Dickens Research Web Sites
[The Dickens Project] [The Victorian Web] [Academic Resources]
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Academic Resources
- Works and Essays
- Sketches by Boz (1836)
- The Pickwick Papers (1836-7)
- Oliver Twist (1837-9)
- Nicholas Nickleby (1838-9)
- The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1)
- Barnaby Rudge (1841)
- American Notes (1842)
- Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-4)
- Christmas Books (1843-49)
- Pictures from Italy (1844-45)
- Dombey and Son (1846-8)
- David Copperfield (1849-50)
- A Child's History of England (1851-53)
- Bleak House (1852-3)
- Hard Times (1854)
- Little Dorrit (1855-7)
- A Tale of Two Cities (1859)
- Christmas Stories (1859-67)
- The Uncommercial Traveller (1860)
- Great Expectations (1860-1)
- Our Mutual Friends (1864-5)
- The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870)
- Archives of [email protected] (Jian Liu, Reference Department, Indiana University Libraries)
- Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-82)
- Anecdotes: Charles Dickens (Kasha Linka, Paw Prints)
- Argonaut Theatre Company (UK) present Dickens - The Sparkler of Albion. (A Friendly Encounter with Mr. Dickens)
- Charles Dickens Research Collection: A Listing and Guide, The --the most comprehensive body of material by and about Charles Dickens and his world ever assembled in a single edition.
- Dickens Project -- BBC
- BBC: Our Mutual Friend [OMF]
- Beadnell, Maria (1810-86) -- Dickens met and fell in love with her in 1830.
- Bible
- Bibliographies
- Biographies
- Brief Biography, A (Hyper History of the World)
- Children's Encyclopedia: Charles Dickens
- The Victorian Web
- Dickens: A Brief Biography (David Cody, Associate Professorof English, Hartwick College)
- Biography Find, Charles (John Huffam) Dickens (The LOGOS Collection of Electronic Books)
- Biography Find, Charles (John Huffam) Dickens (The LOGOS Collection of Electronic Books)
- Charles Dickens (Nineteenth Century)
- Spectrum Biography - Charles Dickens (Spectrum Interactive Biography Interface)
- Dickens: A Brief Biography (David Cody, Associate Professorof English, Hartwick College)
- Bleak House and London: English 4984 (Virginia Tech) -- A Web-Based Course.
- British History 1700-1900: Charles Dickens (Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia)
- Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)
- Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol --Study of Literature HTML Project (Leslie D. Harris, Susquehanna University)
- Charles Dickens
- Charles Dickens 1812-1870 (Victorian Timeline)
- Charles Dickens (S. Kathleen Kitao and Kenji KItao)
- Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins -- The History of the Mystery: An Interactive Journey.
- Charles Dickens: Friends and Relatives (Ritva Raesmaa)
- Charles Dickens Lecture Hall (Western Canon University Lecture Halls and Live Recitations) [BBS]
- Charles Dickens: Life File (John Kehoe)
- Charles Dickens Quotes (Japan)
- Charles Dickens Quotes (Miller)
- Charles Dickens: The Man Who Recreated Christmas (Robert William Urbaniak)
- Cliff Notes: Charles Dickens
- Collins, Wilkie
- Conferences
- The Dickens Universe (University of California, Santa Cruz, August 1-7, 1999)
- The York Conference 1999 (July 16-21, 1999)
- Conservation of Charles Dickens' Manuscripts, The (Annette Low) --an article that first appeared in the V&A Conservation Journal, no.9, October 1993.
- Course Descriptions (Syllabi)
- Chesterton on Caricature and Dickens (Joseph Schwartz)
- Chesterton's article on Dickens (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
- Cliff Notes: Charles Dickens
- Criticisms
- Cruikshank, George (1792-1978)
- Curricular Hot Topics - Charles Dickens
- Dickens & Images of Victorian Life
- Dickens & Andersen
- Dickens and His Illustrators (F.G. Kitton, 1899)
- Dickens and Madness
- Dickens Companions, The (Edinburgh University Press)
- Dickens's Early Works v. Late Works: Principal Component Analysis (Tomoji Tabata, Osaka University)
- Dickens and Alfred Hitchcock (Page of the Alfred Hitchcock Scholars)
- Dickens Glossary for American Readers (Fred Levit)
- Dickens Humour: An Anthology
- DICKENS SYMPOSIUM 1997 (Louisville, Kentucky--26 to 28 September 1997)
- Dickensians
- Dickens's Early Works v. Late Works: Principal Component Analysis (Tomoji Tabata, Osaka University)
- Dickens's Bonfire (Paul Lewis) --Was Collins the inspiration which led Dickens to burn all his letters?
- Dickens's Family Tree, The
- Dickens's Journalistic Career (James Diedrick, Albion College)
- "The Dickens Universe, UC Santa Cruz, August 1997" (reported by Monica Bosson)
- Different Modes: The Social Critique in Oliver Twist vs. Sketches by Boz (Greg Stoddard)
- A Division of Labor: How Charles Dickens' Fiction and Journalism Work Together (Michael Dube)
- Double Life of Charles Dickens, The (Janet S. Krueger and Kelley Blewster) -- The great novelist's relationship with actress Ellen Ternan.
- Dr. Rae and Mr. Dickens - excerpts of the debate between Dickens and Dr. John Rae on Sir John Franklin's fate.
- Charles Dickens, "Mr. Booley" (Household Words, 1850)
- Epilepsy: Charles Dickens
- European Cultural Digest: A blow for the poor (Charles Roberts) From The Pickwick Papers to The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Charles Dickens' works are still worth reading today.
- Fictional 100, The: A Ranking of the Most Influential Characters in World Literature and Legend.
- Franklyn Cards: Dickens
- Genealogies
- Clickable Dicknes Family Tree, A
- The Dickens Family Photographic Album (The Dickens Fellowship: Rochester Branch)
- George Gissing
- Grave of Dickens's Father, The (John Dickens, 1785-1851)
- Great Exhibition, The / The Crystal Palace
- Great Expectations (Classic Review--September 1861)
- Holbein's Dance of Death (PP 3, NN 32, LD II, 21, MED 12)
- Human Experiences with Architecture -- Messages about the power of architecture to enrich people's lives. (The American Architectural Foundation)
- Industrial Revolution, The
- INIMITABLE BECOMES THE INIMICAL, THE Dickens's bonfire destroys literary heritage.
- Intimidation and Embarrassment in Conversations of Dickens' Novels (Deniz Tarba Ceylan, The Victorian Web)
- Issues of Child Labor (UTEXAS)
- LAST DAYS OF DICKENS, THE -- Mamie Dickens: My Father as I recall him.
- Lawrence Frank, Charles Dickens and the Romantic Self
- LIFE FILE by John Kehoe.
- The Life of Our Lord, First Edition, copyright 1934 (Jan Weller)
- Linda Putnam's Charles Dickens Lecture Page
- Manuscripts and Annotated Proofs of the Works of Charles Dickens (Poetry in Granger, University of North Texas Libraries)
- Mark Twain on Charles Dickens: The Great Dickens - WASHINGTON, January 11, 1868.
- Money
- MRQE: Movie Review Query Engine -- For example, Great Expectations (1998) has 103 reviews.
- The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870, 1912 ed.) -- Divided into its original instalments, edited according to the 1912 ed. by J. Cuming Walters with some text as marked by W. Robertson Nicoll. (Gaslight)
- National Art Library, The
--Public Online Catalogue (telnet) contains about 200,000 bibliographic descriptions.
- The Forster Collection -- one of two very large and distinct collections within the National Art Library, the other being the Dyce Collection
- The Nineteenth Century [UK][USA] => Search [UK][USA]
- Search: Society and Culture [UK][USA]
- Search: Nineteenth Century Women Writers [UK][USA]
- Nineteenth-Century Reversions (August 7-10, 1997) (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Observations made during a tour of the United States, 1842 -- Charles Dickens: American Notes (BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. February 1842. Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind; Meeting Laura Bridgeman.)
- On Orwell on Dickens (Lars Eighner) -- This essay first appeared in The Threepenny Review (Berkeley, California) Winter 1994.
- Page of Great Expectations, A --created by the fun loving students of Mr. Alan Hewitt's (pre-AP literature) class of Brainerd Senior High School.
- Palmer, William J.
- On Orwell On Dickens by Lars Eighner.
- Poverty, Health and Housing: Charles Dickens (The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia)
- Publius and Dickens (Greg Riemer)
- PUNCH: A History Project (Tony Wohl, Vassar College) --a project put together by students in History 387: Studies in Victorian Culture and Society: Prejudice and Policy.
- Quotations
- Report on 6th British Novelists Seminar: 'Charles Dickens and his Work' (Middle East Technical University, 13-14 March 1998)
- SecondViolin
- Tate Collections: Daniel Maclise, "Charles Dickens 1839"
- Remarks from the IBIC Editor's Journal
- Snake-oil Dickens Man, The (Ross Gilfillan) -- a novel that posits that Charles Dickens bore a son while on his first visit to the US in 1842.
- Technical Review: Dickens on Disk by Eric Johnson.
- Thomas Coram and Mr. Meagles in Little Dorrit
- UnCoverWeb (A Current Awareness and Document Delivery Service) -- a database of current article information taken from well over 17,000 multidisciplinary journals.
- Victoria and Albert Museum
- Victorian Database Online: Beta (University of Alberta) -- Type "Charles Dickens" in the title blank. 408 items are listed.
- Victorian Database on CD-ROM (LITIR Database on Victorian Studies, University of Alberta) --a CD-ROM version of its bibliography of Victorian studies containing 25 years of bibliographical information on approximately 60,000 books, articles and research documents from 500+ journals.
- Victorian Women Writers Project
- Visit to the Dickens House Museum, A (The Dickens Project) --based on the tour book available to those who can visit the actual Dickens House Museum.
- What Collins thought of Dickens (Paul Lewis) --The few written references by Collins about his friend.
- William J. Palmer [C]
Last updated: 30 November 1999.

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