Dickens Research Web Sites

[The Dickens Project] [The Victorian Web] [Academic Resources]

The Dickens Project (University of California)

UC Santa Cruz
1156 HighSt.
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
408-459-2103 voice
408-459-4424 fax
[email protected]

The Victorian Web (Brown University)

George P. Landow
Brown University
Nine University Avenue
Providence, Rhode Island 02906 U. S. A.
[email protected]

Academic Resources

  1. Works and Essays
    1. Sketches by Boz (1836)
    2. The Pickwick Papers (1836-7)
    3. Oliver Twist (1837-9)
    4. Nicholas Nickleby (1838-9)
    5. The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-1)
    6. Barnaby Rudge (1841)
    7. American Notes (1842)
    8. Martin Chuzzlewit (1843-4)
    9. Christmas Books (1843-49)
    10. Pictures from Italy (1844-45)
    11. Dombey and Son (1846-8)
    12. David Copperfield (1849-50)
    13. A Child's History of England (1851-53)
    14. Bleak House (1852-3)
    15. Hard Times (1854)
    16. Little Dorrit (1855-7)
    17. A Tale of Two Cities (1859)
    18. Christmas Stories (1859-67)
    19. The Uncommercial Traveller (1860)
    20. Great Expectations (1860-1)
    21. Our Mutual Friends (1864-5)
    22. The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870)

  2. Archives of [email protected] (Jian Liu, Reference Department, Indiana University Libraries)
  3. Ainsworth, William Harrison (1805-82)
  4. Anecdotes: Charles Dickens (Kasha Linka, Paw Prints)
  5. Argonaut Theatre Company (UK) present Dickens - The Sparkler of Albion. (A Friendly Encounter with Mr. Dickens)
  6. BBC
    1. Charles Dickens Research Collection: A Listing and Guide, The --the most comprehensive body of material by and about Charles Dickens and his world ever assembled in a single edition.
    2. Dickens Project -- BBC
    3. BBC: Our Mutual Friend [OMF]
  7. Beadnell, Maria (1810-86) -- Dickens met and fell in love with her in 1830.
  8. Bible
  9. Bibliographies
  10. Biographies
    1. Brief Biography, A (Hyper History of the World)
    2. Children's Encyclopedia: Charles Dickens
    3. The Victorian Web
    4. Dickens: A Brief Biography (David Cody, Associate Professorof English, Hartwick College)
    5. Biography Find, Charles (John Huffam) Dickens (The LOGOS Collection of Electronic Books)
    6. Biography Find, Charles (John Huffam) Dickens (The LOGOS Collection of Electronic Books)
    7. Charles Dickens (Nineteenth Century)
    8. Spectrum Biography - Charles Dickens (Spectrum Interactive Biography Interface)
    9. Dickens: A Brief Biography (David Cody, Associate Professorof English, Hartwick College)
  11. Bleak House and London: English 4984 (Virginia Tech) -- A Web-Based Course.
  12. British History 1700-1900: Charles Dickens (Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia)
  14. Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)
  15. Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol --Study of Literature HTML Project (Leslie D. Harris, Susquehanna University)
  16. Charles Dickens
  17. Charles Dickens 1812-1870 (Victorian Timeline)
  18. Charles Dickens (S. Kathleen Kitao and Kenji KItao)
  19. Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins -- The History of the Mystery: An Interactive Journey.
  20. Charles Dickens: Friends and Relatives (Ritva Raesmaa)
  21. Charles Dickens Lecture Hall (Western Canon University Lecture Halls and Live Recitations) [BBS]
  22. Charles Dickens: Life File (John Kehoe)
  23. Charles Dickens Quotes (Japan)
  24. Charles Dickens Quotes (Miller)
  25. Charles Dickens: The Man Who Recreated Christmas (Robert William Urbaniak)
  26. Cliff Notes: Charles Dickens
  27. Collins, Wilkie
  28. Conferences
    1. The Dickens Universe (University of California, Santa Cruz, August 1-7, 1999)
    2. The York Conference 1999 (July 16-21, 1999)
  29. Conservation of Charles Dickens' Manuscripts, The (Annette Low) --an article that first appeared in the V&A Conservation Journal, no.9, October 1993.
  30. Course Descriptions (Syllabi)
  31. Chesterton on Caricature and Dickens (Joseph Schwartz)
  32. Chesterton's article on Dickens (Encyclopaedia Britannica)
  33. Cliff Notes: Charles Dickens
  34. Criticisms
  35. Cruikshank, George (1792-1978)
  36. Curricular Hot Topics - Charles Dickens
  37. Dickens & Images of Victorian Life
  38. Dickens & Andersen
  39. Dickens and His Illustrators (F.G. Kitton, 1899)
  40. Dickens and Madness
  41. Dickens Companions, The (Edinburgh University Press)
  42. Dickens's Early Works v. Late Works: Principal Component Analysis (Tomoji Tabata, Osaka University)
  43. Dickens and Alfred Hitchcock (Page of the Alfred Hitchcock Scholars)
  44. Dickens Glossary for American Readers (Fred Levit)
  45. Dickens Humour: An Anthology
  46. DICKENS SYMPOSIUM 1997 (Louisville, Kentucky--26 to 28 September 1997)
  48. Dickensians
  49. Dickens's Early Works v. Late Works: Principal Component Analysis (Tomoji Tabata, Osaka University)
  50. Dickens's Bonfire (Paul Lewis) --Was Collins the inspiration which led Dickens to burn all his letters?
  52. Dickens's Family Tree, The
  53. Dickens's Journalistic Career (James Diedrick, Albion College)
  54. "The Dickens Universe, UC Santa Cruz, August 1997" (reported by Monica Bosson)
  55. Different Modes: The Social Critique in Oliver Twist vs. Sketches by Boz (Greg Stoddard)
  56. A Division of Labor: How Charles Dickens' Fiction and Journalism Work Together (Michael Dube)
  57. Double Life of Charles Dickens, The (Janet S. Krueger and Kelley Blewster) -- The great novelist's relationship with actress Ellen Ternan.
  58. Dr. Rae and Mr. Dickens - excerpts of the debate between Dickens and Dr. John Rae on Sir John Franklin's fate.
  59. Charles Dickens, "Mr. Booley" (Household Words, 1850)
  60. Epilepsy: Charles Dickens
  61. European Cultural Digest: A blow for the poor (Charles Roberts) From The Pickwick Papers to The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Charles Dickens' works are still worth reading today.
  62. Fictional 100, The: A Ranking of the Most Influential Characters in World Literature and Legend.
  63. Franklyn Cards: Dickens
  64. Genealogies
    1. Clickable Dicknes Family Tree, A
    3. The Dickens Family Photographic Album (The Dickens Fellowship: Rochester Branch)
  65. George Gissing
  66. Grave of Dickens's Father, The (John Dickens, 1785-1851)
  67. Great Exhibition, The / The Crystal Palace
  68. Great Expectations (Classic Review--September 1861)
  69. Holbein's Dance of Death (PP 3, NN 32, LD II, 21, MED 12)
  70. Human Experiences with Architecture -- Messages about the power of architecture to enrich people's lives. (The American Architectural Foundation)
  72. Industrial Revolution, The
  73. INIMITABLE BECOMES THE INIMICAL, THE Dickens's bonfire destroys literary heritage.
  74. Intimidation and Embarrassment in Conversations of Dickens' Novels (Deniz Tarba Ceylan, The Victorian Web)
  75. Issues of Child Labor (UTEXAS)
  76. LAST DAYS OF DICKENS, THE -- Mamie Dickens: My Father as I recall him.
  77. Lawrence Frank, Charles Dickens and the Romantic Self
  78. LIFE FILE by John Kehoe.
  79. The Life of Our Lord, First Edition, copyright 1934 (Jan Weller)
  80. Linda Putnam's Charles Dickens Lecture Page
  81. Manuscripts and Annotated Proofs of the Works of Charles Dickens (Poetry in Granger, University of North Texas Libraries)
  82. Mark Twain on Charles Dickens: The Great Dickens - WASHINGTON, January 11, 1868.
  83. Money
  84. MRQE: Movie Review Query Engine -- For example, Great Expectations (1998) has 103 reviews.
  85. The Mystery of Edwin Drood (1870, 1912 ed.) -- Divided into its original instalments, edited according to the 1912 ed. by J. Cuming Walters with some text as marked by W. Robertson Nicoll. (Gaslight)
  86. National Art Library, The
    --Public Online Catalogue (telnet) contains about 200,000 bibliographic descriptions.
  87. The Nineteenth Century [UK][USA] => Search [UK][USA]
  88. Nineteenth-Century Reversions (August 7-10, 1997) (University of California, Santa Cruz)
  89. Observations made during a tour of the United States, 1842 -- Charles Dickens: American Notes (BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. February 1842. Massachusetts Asylum for the Blind; Meeting Laura Bridgeman.)
  90. On Orwell on Dickens (Lars Eighner) -- This essay first appeared in The Threepenny Review (Berkeley, California) Winter 1994.
  91. Page of Great Expectations, A --created by the fun loving students of Mr. Alan Hewitt's (pre-AP literature) class of Brainerd Senior High School.
  92. Palmer, William J.
  93. On Orwell On Dickens by Lars Eighner.
  94. Poverty, Health and Housing: Charles Dickens (The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia)
  95. Publius and Dickens (Greg Riemer)
  96. PUNCH: A History Project (Tony Wohl, Vassar College) --a project put together by students in History 387: Studies in Victorian Culture and Society: Prejudice and Policy.
  97. Quotations
  98. Report on 6th British Novelists Seminar: 'Charles Dickens and his Work' (Middle East Technical University, 13-14 March 1998)
  99. SecondViolin
  100. Tate Collections: Daniel Maclise, "Charles Dickens 1839"
  101. Remarks from the IBIC Editor's Journal
  102. Snake-oil Dickens Man, The (Ross Gilfillan) -- a novel that posits that Charles Dickens bore a son while on his first visit to the US in 1842.
  103. Technical Review: Dickens on Disk by Eric Johnson.
  104. Thomas Coram and Mr. Meagles in Little Dorrit
  105. UnCoverWeb (A Current Awareness and Document Delivery Service) -- a database of current article information taken from well over 17,000 multidisciplinary journals.
  106. Victoria and Albert Museum
  107. Victorian Database Online: Beta (University of Alberta) -- Type "Charles Dickens" in the title blank. 408 items are listed.
  108. Victorian Database on CD-ROM (LITIR Database on Victorian Studies, University of Alberta) --a CD-ROM version of its bibliography of Victorian studies containing 25 years of bibliographical information on approximately 60,000 books, articles and research documents from 500+ journals.
  109. Victorian Women Writers Project
  110. Visit to the Dickens House Museum, A (The Dickens Project) --based on the tour book available to those who can visit the actual Dickens House Museum.
  111. What Collins thought of Dickens (Paul Lewis) --The few written references by Collins about his friend.
  112. William J. Palmer [C]

Last updated: 30 November 1999.

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