Great Expectations (1860-61)

Academic Resources
- E-texts
- Canisius High School, Great Expectations
- Charles Dickens's Great Expectations (Penguin Books)
- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Index (Gregg A. Hecimovich, Eastern Illinois University)
- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations Index (Gregg A. Hecimovich, Student Reference Guides)
- Dramatic Impact (Jacqueline Wong)
- Great Expectations Home Page -- provided by students at the University of Texas at Austin.
- Gilbert Keith Chesterton, Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens
(1911): Christmas Books
- Great Expectations, Charles Dickens Story, view of London
- Hulks in the Medway (Hume Lancaster, 1837)
- John Forster, The Life of Charles Dickens: "GREAT EXPECTATIONS" (I860-1)
- Penguin's Reader's Guides: Great Expectations
- Victorian Web, The (George P. Landow, Brown University)
- The Evolution of Victorian Capitalism and Great Expectations (George P. Landow, Brown University)
- The Circulation of Great Expectations and Dickens�s other Work (George P. Landow, Brown University)
- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, and the Victorian Era (Andrew Krend)
- Reading Great Expectations: Resources for Teaching and Study (The Dickens Projest)
- Great Expectations (Classic Review--September 1861)
- A Page of Great Expectations --created by the fun loving students of Mr. Alan Hewitt's (pre-AP literature) class of Brainerd Senior High School.
- Computational Analysis of Charles Dickens, Great Expectations: A Challenge of Computational Stylistics (Takeshi Okada, Yamagata U., Japan)
- An Analysis of Great Expectations (Japanese)
- Dickens's Early Works v. Late Works: Principal Component Analysis (Tomoji Tabata, Osaka University)
- Charles Dickens: The Man Behind the Words (Great Expectations Online)
- Newgate Prison
- Original Review of Great Expectations from The Atlantic Monthly, September 1861.
- Resources for Teaching Charles Dickens's Great Expectations (Jonathan Glance)
- Victorian Database Online: Search Results -- 88 records retrieved.
- Great Expectations (Twentieth Century Fox) => The Internet Movie Database
- Great Expectations -- T.V. program airing Spring 98. (School Store)
- Great Expectations (20th Century Fox) -- in Spanish.
- Scenes from Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (Laserdisc)
- Classics on Video (New Windmills Book Club, Heinemann) --GE (video)
- Amended Version of Great Expectations, An
- Classics on Video--GE, HT, OT, CC
- My Incarnation Estella
- (08/13/98) Time Warner: Abridged Audiobooks: Dicekns[GE]
(Great Expectations, Chapter I)
'Hold your noise!' cried a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch. 'Keep still, you little devil, or I'll cut your throat!'
A fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. A man who had been soaked in water, and smothered in mud, and lamed by stones, and cut by flints, and stung by nettles, and torn by briars; who limped, and shivered, and glared and growled; and whose teeth chattered in his head as he seized me by the chin.
'O! Don't cut my throat, sir,' I pleaded in terror. 'Pray don't do it, sir.'
'Tell us your name!' said the man. 'Quick!'
'Pip, sir.'
'Once more,' said the man, staring at me. 'Give it mouth!'
'Pip. Pip, sir.'
'Show us where you live,' said the man. 'Pint out the place!'
I pointed to where our village lay, on the flat in-shore among the alder-trees and pollards, a mile or more from the church.
The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets.
There was nothing in them but a piece of bread. When the church came to itself - for he was so sudden and strong that he made it go head over heels before me, and I saw the steeple under my feet - when the church came to itself, I say, I was seated on a high tombstone, trembling, while he ate the bread ravenously.
Last updated: 26 March 1998.

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