List of English Department Home Pages in Japan

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  1. Aichi Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of International Cultures
  2. Aichi Gakuin Junior College/Department of English
  3. Aichi Prefectural University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  4. Aichi Prefectural University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  5. Aichi University/Faculty of Letters
  6. Aichi University/Junior College
  7. Aichi University of Technology/Language and Culture Division
  8. Aichi Shukutoku University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  9. Aichi University of Education/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  10. Aichi University of Education/International Cultural Studies/British-American
  11. Aizu, University of/Center for Language Research
  12. Akita University/College of Education/English Department and International Information Course
  13. Aomori Akenohoshi Junior College/English Department
  14. Aoyama Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  15. Aoyama Gakuin Women's Junior College/Department of English
  16. Ashiya University/Faculty of Education/Department of English


  17. Baika Women's University/Department of English
  18. Baika Junior College/Department of English
  19. Baiko Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  20. Baiko Gakuin University/Faculty of Modern Communication/Department of Modern Communication
  21. Beppu University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  22. Beppu University Junior College/Department of English Language and Communication
  23. Bukkyo University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  24. Bunkyo University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  25. Bunkyo University/Women's Junior College/Department of English
  26. Bunkyo Women's College/Department of English


  27. Chiba University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  28. Chiba University/Faculty of Letters/Department of International Languages
  29. Chiba University/Center for Foreign Languages
  30. Chofu Gakuen Women's Junior College/Department of English
  31. Chubu University/College of International Studies/Department of Modern Languages
  32. Chubu University
  33. Chikushi Jogakuen University/Faculty of Letters
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  34. Chugoku Junior College/Department of English Communication
  35. Chuo University/Faculty og Letters/Department of Literature


  36. Daito Bunka University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  37. Daito Bunka University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  38. Dokkyo University/Faculty of Foreign Languages/Department of English
  39. Doshisha University/Institute for Language and Culture
  40. Doshisha University/Faculty of Letters
  41. Doshisha Women's University/Faculty of Liberal Arts/Department of English
  42. Doshiya Women's College/Department of English


  43. Edgawa Women's Junior College/Faculty of Humanities/Department of English


  44. Fuji Women's University/Faculty of Arts/Department of English Language & Culture
  45. Fukuoka Jogakuen University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of English
  46. Fukuoka Jogakuen Junior College/Department of English
  47. Fukuoka Women's Junior College/Department of English
  48. Fukuoka International University/Department of International Communication/
  49. Fukuoka University of Education/Faculty of Education
  50. Fukuoka University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of English
  51. Fukuoka Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  52. Fukuoka Women's Junior College/Department of English


  53. Gakushuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of British and American Literature
  54. Gakusyuin Women's Junior College/Department of English
  55. Gifu University/Faculty of Education
  56. Gifu University for Education and Languages/Faculty of Languages/Department of English
  57. Gifu City Women's College/Department of English
  58. Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University/Faculty of Languages/Department of English
  59. Gifu Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  60. Gifu City Women's College/English Department
  61. Gunma University/Faculty of Education/Department of English Education
  62. Gunma Prefetural Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Literature


  63. Hamamatsu University/School of Medicine
  64. Heian Jogakuin (St. Agnes') College/Department of English
  65. Heisei International University/English Section
  66. Hirosaki University/Faculty of Education
  67. Hijiyama University/Faculty of Contemporary Culture/Department of English Language and Culture
  68. Himeji Dokkyo University/Faculty of Foreign Languages/Department of English
  69. Hiroshima University/Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences/Division of Culture and the Humanities
  70. Hiroshima University/Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences/Course of Foreign Languages
  71. Hiroshima University/School of Letters
  72. Hiroshima University/School of Education/Department of English Language Education
  73. Hiroshima Jogakuin University/Faculty of Literature/Department of English & American Literature
  74. Hiroshima Shudo University/Faculty of Letters
  75. Hiroshima Women's University/Faculty of Intercultural Communication/English and American Course
  76. Hokkaido University/School of Letters
  77. Hokkaido University/Institute of Language and Culture Studies
  78. Hokkaido Institute of Technology/Faculty of General Education
  79. Hokkaido University of Education/Asahikawa Campus/English & American Literature
  80. Hokkaido University of Education/Asahikawa Campus/Teaching Method English
  81. Hokkaido University of Education/Hakodate Campus/Department of Foreign Languages
  82. Hokkaido University of Education/Iwamizawa Campus/Department of Foreign Languages
  83. Hokkaido University of Education/Kushiro Campus/Department of Foreign Languages
  84. Hokkaido University of Education/Sapporo Campus/Department of English Linguistics and Literature
  85. Hokusei Gakuen University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  86. Hosei University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
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  87. Hyogo University of Teacher Education/2nd Division



  88. Ibaragi University/Faculty of Education
  89. Ibaraki Women's Junior College/Department of English
  90. Ichimura Gakuen College/Department of English
  91. Iwate University/Faculty of Education


  92. Japan Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  93. Jissen Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  94. Jissen Women's Junior College/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Communication
  95. Joetsu University of Education/Faculty of Education/Department of Foreign Languages
  96. Josai International University/Faculty of Humanities
  97. Jumonji College/English Department
  98. Junshin Women's Junior College/Faculty of Humanities


  99. kagoshima Immaculate Heart Colege/Department of English
  100. Kagoshima Prefectural College/Department of English
  101. Kagoshima University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  102. Kagoshima Woman's College/Department of English Language and Literature
  103. Kanagawa Dental College/Department of English
  104. Kanazawa University/Foreign Language Institute
  105. Kanazawa Gakuin University/Faculty of Literature/Department of Intercultural Studies
  106. Kanazawa Women's Junior College/Department of English
  107. Kanda University of International Studies/Department of English
  108. Kansai University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Literature
  109. Kansai Gaigo University/Faculty of Foreign Studies
  110. Kansai Gaigo University/Faculty of International Languages
  111. Kansai Gaigo Junior College/Department of English
  112. Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Language and Literature
  113. Keio University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English and American Literature
  114. Keiwa College/Department of English and American Literature
  115. Kenmei Women's Junior College/Department of English
  116. Kinjo Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  117. Kinki University/School of Arts, Literature, and Cultural Studies/Major of English Literature
  118. Kinran Junior College/Faculty of Letters
  119. Kitakyushu University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/English Language Major
  120. Kitakyushu University/Faculty of letters/Department of Comparative Culture
  121. Kobe University/Faculty of Letters/Department of Literature
  122. Kobe University/Faculty of Cross-Cultural Studies
  123. Kobe City University of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  124. Kobe Jogakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  125. Kobe Kaisei Women's University/Department of English
  126. Kobe Shoin Women's University/Faculty of Letters/English Department
  127. Kobe Shoin Women's College/English Department
  128. Kobe Women's University/Department of Literature/English Literature Section
  129. Kochi University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of Internatinal Communication Studeis
  130. Kochi Women's University/Department of English
  131. Kokugakuin University/Faculty of Letters
  132. Kokusai Junior College/Department of English Commumication
  133. Komazawa University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  134. Komazawa Junior College/Department of English
  135. Konan University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Language and Literature
  136. Konan Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  137. Konan Women's Junior College/Department of English
  138. Koran Women's Junior College/Department of Internation Liberal Arts
  139. Koryo Women's Junior College/Department of International Culture
  140. Kumamoto University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  141. Kumamoto National College of Technology/English Education
  142. Kumamoto Gakuen University/Faculty of Foreign Lanuages/Department of English
  143. Kurume University/Institute of Foreign Language Education
  144. Kyoritsu University/Faculty of Arts and Letters/Department of English Literature
  145. Kyoto University/Faculty of Integrated Human Studies/International Cultural Studies
  146. Kyoto Sangyo University/Faculty of Foreign Languages/Department of English
  147. Kyoto University of Foreign Studies/Department of English and American Studies
  148. Kyoto Prefectural University/Faculty of Letters/Department of Literature
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  149. Kyoto Tachibana Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  150. Kyushu University/English Language and English Literature
  151. Kyushu Institute of Technology/Faculty of Technologys
  152. Kyushu Women's University/Faculty of Letters
  153. Kyushu Women's Junior College/Department of English
  154. Kyusyu University/Institute of Languages and Cultures
  155. Kwansei Gakuin University/ Faculty of Letters
  156. Kwassui Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  157. Kwassui Women's Jumior College/Department of English



  158. Matsuyama University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of English
  159. Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College/Department of English
  160. Meiji Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  161. Meikai University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  162. Meisei University/School of Humanities
  163. Mie University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  164. Miyagi University of Education/Faculty of Education/Deaprtment of English
  165. Miyazaki Municipal University/English Department
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  166. Mukogawa Women's University/School of Letters/Department of English
  167. Mukogawa Women's Juniot College/Department of English
  168. Musashino Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Deaprtment of English
  169. Musashino Women's Junior College/Deaprtment of English


  170. Nagaoka University of Technology/Language Center
  171. Nagasaki College of Foreign Languages/Department of English
  172. Nagasaki Junior College/Department of English
  173. Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University/Department of English Information
  174. Naruto University of Education/Faculty of Education
  175. Nagoya Gakuin University/Faculty of Foreign Languages
  176. Nagoya Institute of Technology/Language and Culture Department
  177. Nagoya University of Commerce and Business Administration/Language Center
  178. Nagoya University/Faculty of Language and Culture/Department of English
  179. Nagoya University/School of Letters/Department of English and American Literature
  180. Nagoya City University/School of Humanities and Social Sciences/Department of Intercultural Studies
  181. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  182. Nagoya City University/Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies/Department of International Cultures
  183. Nagoya Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Language and Literature
  184. Nagoya Junior College/Department of English and Communication
  185. Nanzan Junior College/Department of English
  186. Nanzan University/Faculty of Letters
  187. Nara Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of Language and Culture
  188. Nihon University/College of Humanities & Sciences/Department of English
  189. Niigata University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  190. Niigata Women's College/Department of English
  191. Niijima Gakuen Women's Junior College/Department of English
  192. Notre Dame Seishin Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Language and Literature
  193. Notre Dame Seishin Junior College/English Department


  194. Obirin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English and American Studies
  195. Obirin Junior College/Department of English
  196. Ochanomizu University/Faculty of Literature and Education/Department of Languages and Cultures
  197. Ohu University/Faculty of Literature/Department of English
  198. Oita University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  199. Okayama Women's Junior College/Department of English
  200. Okinawa Christian Junior College/English Department
  201. Okinawa Kokusai University/Faculty of Letters
  202. Osaka Chiyoda Junior College/Department of English
  203. Osaka International Education Institution/Department of English
  204. Osaka Shoin Women's College/English Department
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  205. Osaka University/Faculty of Language and Culture/Department of English
  206. Osaka University/Faculty of Letters
  207. Osaka Kyoiku University/English Education Department
  208. Osaka University of Foreign Studies
  209. Osaka City University/Faculty of Literature/Department of Languages and Cultures
  210. Osaka Prefecture University/College of Integrated Arts and Sciences/Department of Language and Culture
  211. Osaka Women's University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of English
  212. Otani Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  213. Otaru University of Commerce/Language Center
  214. Otemae Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  215. Otemon Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Culture
  216. Otsuma Women's Universitye/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  217. Otsuma Women's Junior College/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Culture




  218. Reitaku University/College of Foreign Languages/English Department
  219. Rikkyo University/College of Art/Department of English and American Literature
  220. Rissho University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English and American Literature
  221. Ritsumeikan University/Faculty of Letters
  222. Ryukoku University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English and American Studies
  223. Ryukyu University/Department of Languages and Cultures/


  224. St. Andrew's University/Faculty of Letters/Deaprtment of English
  225. Saitama University/Faculty of Liberal Arts/English Course
  226. Saitama Junior College/Deaprtment of English
  227. Sacred Heart, University of the/Faculty of Letters/Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
  228. Saga Women's Junior College/Department of Culture Communication
  229. Sanyo Gakuen University/Faculty of Intercultural Studies/Department of Communication
  230. Sapientia University/Faculty of Letters/Department of Englsih
  231. Sapporo University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  232. Sapporo Gakuin University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of English
  233. Sapporo International University/Junior College/ Department of English
  234. Seijo University/Faculty of Arts and Literature/Department of Englsih
  235. Seinan Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of Englsih
  236. Seinan Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters/Department of Foreign Languages
  237. Seinan Jo Gakuin Junior College/Department of Englsih
  238. Senshu University/Department of English and American Literature
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  239. Shiga University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  240. Shikoku Gakuin University/Faculty of Arts & Humanities/Department of English
  241. Shikoku University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Language and Culture
  242. Shimane University/Faculty of Law and Literature/Department of Languages and Cultures
  243. Shimane University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  244. Shimane Prefectural Women's Junior College/Department of English Language and Literature
  245. Shimane International Junior College/Department of Intercultural Studies
  246. Shinshu University/Faculty of Arts/Linguistics and Philology
  247. Shion Junior College/Department of English
  248. Shizuoka Sangyo University/Faculty of International Information/International Communication Course
  249. Shizuoka University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of Languages and Cultures
  250. Shizuoka University/Faculty of Information/Information Arts
  251. Shizuoka University/Faculty of Education/Department of English
  252. Shizuoka Prefectural University/Faculty of International Cutures/Course of English and Americal Cultures
  253. Kobe Shoin Women's University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  254. Kobe Shoin Women's College/Department of English
  255. Kobe Shoin Women's College/Department of English
  256. Shokei Jogakuen Women's Junior College
  257. Shonan Kokusai Women's Junior College
  258. Showa Women's University/Faculty of Letters/English and American Literature Department
  259. Soka Women's Junior College/Department of English
  260. Sophia Women's College/Department of English
  261. Sophia University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  262. Sugiyama Jogakuen University/School of Literature/English Department
  263. Sugiyama Junior College/English Department
  264. Suzugamine Women's College/Department of Language and Culture


  265. Takushoku University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of English
  266. Tamagawa University/School of Letters/Department of English & American Literature
  267. Tamagawa University/School of Letters/Department of Foreign Languages
  268. Teikyo University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Literature
  269. Teikyo University Fukuoka Junior College/Department of International Communication
  270. Tenri University/Faculty of International Cultures/Department of English
  271. Tezukayama University/Faculty of Liberal Arts/American Studies and English Laguage Program
  272. Toho University/Faculty of Liberal Arts/Department of English
  273. Tohoku University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Literature
  274. Tohoku University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Linguistics
  275. Tohoku Gakuin University/Faculty of Letters
  276. Tohoku Gakuin University/Faculty of Liberal Arts/Department of Languages and Cultures
  277. Tokai University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Culture Communication
  278. Tokai University Fukuoka Junior College/Department of Intercultural Studies
  279. Tokoha Gakuen University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/Department of Emglish
  280. Tokushima University/Faculty of the Ingegrated Arts and Sciences/Department of European and American Studies
  281. Tokushima Bunri University/Kagawa Campus/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  282. Tokushima Bunri Junior College/Department of English
  283. Tokyo, University of/College of Letters
  284. Tokyo, University of/College of Arts and Sciences/Department of Language and Information Sciences
  285. Tokyo, University of/College of Arts and Sciences/Department of Language and Information Sciences
  286. Tokyo Gakugei University/Faculty of Education
  287. Tokyo Junshin University/Department of English and American Studies
  288. Tokyo Kasei University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  289. Tokyo Kasei Junior College/Department of International Communication
  290. Tokyo Metropolitan University/Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities/Department of English
  291. Tokyo Women's Christian University/College of Arts and Sciences/Department of English
  292. Tokyo Women's Christian University/College of Culture & Communication
  293. Tosa Women's College/Department of English
  294. Toyo University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English
  295. Toyo University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English Communication
  296. Toyo Women's Junior College/Department of English
  297. Toyohashi Institute of Technology/Language Center
  298. Tsuda College/Faculty of Liberal Arts/Department of English Language and Literature
  299. Tsukuba, University of/College of Comparative Culture
  300. Tsukuba, University of/Institute of Modern Languages and Cultures
  301. Tsukuba, University of/Institute of Literature and Linguistics
  302. Tsukuba Women's University/Faculty of International Studies/Department of International Social Studies
  303. Tsuru University/Faculty of Letters/Department of English


  304. Ube Junior College/Department of Languages and Cultures



  305. Wakayama University/Faculty of Education/Department of Foreign Languages
  306. Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen Junior College/English Department
  307. Wako University/Faculty of Humanities/Department of Literature
  308. Waseda University/School of Letters, Arts and Sciences I
  309. Waseda University/School of Education/Department of English Language and Literature



  310. Yamagata University/Faculty of Literature & Social Sciences/Department of Language and Communication
  311. Yamaguchi University/Faculty of Education
  312. Yamanashi University/Faculty of Education/Department of Foreign Languages
  313. Yasuda Women's University/Faculty of Letters/English Department
  314. Yokohama City University/Faculty of International Cultures
  315. Yonezawa Prefetural Women't Junior College/Department of English


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