Charles Reade (1814-1884)
Reade Web Sites
- 1814
- Charles Reade born June 8, Ipsden House, Oxford.
- 1831
- Matriculates at Oxford University; wins demyship at Magdalen College, July 26.
- 1835
- Graduates with third in Greats, June 18. July 22, becomes
probationary fellow at Oxford. Entered at Lincoln's Inn,
November 20.
- 1838
- Receives Master of Arts degree, April 26.
- 1851
- Publishes dramatic version of Tobias Smollett's Peregrine
Pickle at his own expense. Becomes vice-president of Magdalen College. In April, begins Masks and Faces in collaboration with Tom Taylor. Produces The Ladies' Battle at
Olympic Theatre, May 7. Angelo presented at Olympic
Theatre, August 11.
- 1852
- A Village Tale (Rachel the Reaper), Strand Theatre, April
12. The Lost Husband presented at the Strand, April 26.
Finishes Peg Woffington at Durham, August 3; begins
Gold. Masks and Faces presented at Haymarket Theatre,
November 20. Peg Woffington published December 17;
Christie Johnstone begun.
- 1853
- Gold produced at Drury Lane, January 10.
- 1854
- Presents Two Loves and a Life (in collaboration with Tom
Taylor) at the Adelphi Theatre, March 20. Art at St. James's
Theatre on April 17. The Courier of Lyons at the Princess's
Theatre, June 26 (revived 1870; renamed The Lyons Mail).
Opens season at St. James�s Theatre in joint management
with Mrs. Seymour, presenting The King's Rival (written in
collaboration with Tom Taylor), October 2. Honour before
Titles: or Nobs and Snobs, presented at St. James's, October
- Hard at work on It Is Never Too Late to Mend. Reade becomes lodger of Mrs. Seymour in the fall. Adapts Les
Pauvres de Paris, by Edouard Brisebarre and Eugne Nus,
retitled Poverty and Pride.
- 1856
- The First Printer (collaboration with Torn Taylor) presented
at Princess's Theatre, March 3.
- 1857
- White Lies appears as serial in London Journal, July 11 to
December 5 (published, 3 volumes, December).
- 1858
- Writes Love Me Little, Love Me Long (published, 2 volumes, April, 1859). Begins The Eighth Commandment
(published July, 1860). The Hypochondriac takeN on tour
by Mrs. Seymour.
- 1859
- Writes A Good Fight (serial in Once a Week, July to
October). Visits Edward Bulwer-Lytton at Knebworth in
- 1861
- The Cloister and the Hearth published, October.
- 1863
- Hard Cash appears in Charles Dickens's magazine All the
Year Round, March to December (published in 3 volumes,
December 15).
- 1865
- It Is Never Too Late to Mend first presented at the Princess's Theatre, October 4.
- 1866
- Griffith Gaunt appears as serial in the Argosy, January to
November (published, 3 volumes, October).
- 1867
- Dora presented at the Adelphi Theatre, June 1. The Double
Marriage presented at the Queen's Theatre, October 24.
Produces Griffith Gaunt at Newcastle in the fall.
- 1868
- Finishes Foul Play (in collaboration with Dion Boucicault),
which appears serially in Once a Week, January to June
(published June). Foul Play (Boucicault and Reade dramatic version) presented at Holborn, May 28, Leaves Bolton
Row, lodging temporarily at St. George's Road, Pimlico.
- 1869
- Put Yourself in His Place appears serially in Cornhill,
March, 1869 to July, 1870 (published in June). Moves to 2
Albert Terrace, Knightsbridge.
- 1870
- Makes dramatic version (Free Labor) of novel Put Yourself
in His Place. The drama, which later reverie(] to the novel
title, plays at the Adelphi, May, 28, The Robust Invalid
presented at the Adelphi, June 15.
- 1871
- A Terrible Temptation appears serially in Cassell's Magazine, beginning in the April issue (published August). An
Actress of Daylight presented at St. James�s Theatre, April
8. Begins A Simpleton at Oxford.
- 1872
- Produces Shilly-Shally (dramatic version of Anthony Trollope's Ralph the Heir) at the Gaiety Theatre, April 1. A
Simpleton appears serially in London Society, August, 1872,
to August, 1873 (published August, 1873). The Wandering
Heir published in tile Graphic at Christmas. Takes libel
action against the Morning Advertiser and other newspapers.
- 1873
- Produces dramatic version of The Wandering Heir
at the Queen's Theatre, November 15.
- 1874
- Brings Ellen Terry out of retirement to play ill London and
take Our Seamen on tour. Rachel the Reaper presented at
the Queen's Theatre, March 9. A Hero and a Martyr appears in the Pall Mall Gazette.
- 1875
- Writes The Rights and Wrongs of Authors.
- 1876
- Good Stories of Man and Other Animals appears in Belgravia from June, 1876, to June, 1877. A Woman-Hater
appears serially in Blackwood's from June, 1876, through
June, 1877 (published, 3 volumes, June, 1877).
- 1877
- The Scuttled Ship presented at the Olympic, April 2. Writes
Hang in Haste, Repent at Leisure and wins the reprieve of
the alleged Penge murderers. The Jilt: A Novel appears
March to June in Belgravia. The Lyons Mail presented at
the Lyceum, May 19.
- 1878
- Writes Private Bills and Public Wrongs and The History of
an Acre ill agitation against demolition of Albert Terrace.
Publishes pamphlet defending his dramatic adaptation of
Alfred Tennyson's poem Dora. Jealousy presented at the
Olympic, April 22. Joan (dramatic version of Mrs. Hodgson
Burnett's That Lass o' Lowrie's) produced at Liverpool in
September and then taken on tour.
- 1879
- Drink at the Princess's Theatre. Disputes with E. Romaine
Callender over production rights. Mrs. Seymour dies September 27. In December meets the Reverend Charles Graham, clergyman influential in Reade's last days.
- 1881
- Moves to 3 Blomfield Villas, Uxbridge Road. Writes Singleheart and Doubleface and some short stories.
- 1882
- Singleheart and Doubleface produced at the Royal Princess's Theatre, Edinburgh, June 1. Love and Money, his
last venture in theatrical management (in collaboration with
Henry Pettitt), presented at the Adelphi, November 18.
- 1883
- Nance Oldfield presented at the Olympic, February. 24.
Almost fatally ill in March; spends summer on the Continent. Last visit to a theatre on August 4. Finishes A Perilous Secret; writes Bible Characters. Goes to Cannes in early December.
- 1884
- Returns to London in late February. Dies on Good Friday,
April 11, at 3 Blomfield Villas. Singleheart and Doubleface published.
This extract is taken from Eltone Smith, Charles Reade (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1976)
When you find any other Web sites related to the life and works of Charles Reade, please e-mail me: [email protected].
Last updated: 9 January 2001.

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