Coventry Patmore (1823-1896)
Coventry Patmore Web Sites
- 1823
- Coventry Patmore born, 23 July, in Woodford, Essex, eldest
son of Peter George Patmore, literary journalist, and Eliza
- 1844
- Poems published, Coventry's first collection, at his father's
- 1845
- Early periodical prose appears, continuing for about twenty
- 1846
- Receives British Museum appointment through Monckton
- 1847
- Marries Emily Augusta Andrews.
- 1848
- Birth of first son, Milnes.
- 1850
- Birth of second, Tennyson.
- 1849-
- Associated with the Pre-Raphaelites; interests Ruskin in them.
- 1853
- Tamerton Church-Tower, second collection of poems. Birth of
first daughter, Emily Honoria.
- 1854
- The Betrothal, first part of Angel in the House, published
anonymously because of furor over P. G. Patmore's My
Friends and Acquaintance.
- 1856
- The Espousals, second part of the Angel. Daughter Bertha
- 1858
- Daughter Gertrude born.
- 1860
- Faithful for Ever, third part of the Angel. Son Henry John
born, Ruskin his godfather. Emily Augusta�s health failing.
- 1862
- Children's Garland, anthology of poems prepared by Coventry and Emily. 5 July, Emily Augusta dies of consumption.
- 1863
- Victories of Love, fourth part of the Angel.
- 1864
- Journey to Rome with Aubrey De Vere; conversion to Roman
Catholicism; marries Marianne Caroline Byles (Mary
- 1866
- Buys Heron's Ghyll, estate in Sussex, becoming a country
- 1868
- Nine Odes privately printed.
- 1873
- Emily Honoria enters the Convent of the Holy Child Jesus.
- 1874
- Leaves Heron's Ghyll for a winter in London.
- 1875
- Moves to the Mansion, Hastings, Sussex. Emily makes vows,
teaches at St. Leonards, near Hastings.
- 1877
- Life of Bryan Walter Procter written at the request of his
widow. Unknown Eros, odes 1-21.
- 1878
- Amelia privately printed, then published with other poems.
Unknown Eros, odes 1-46.
- 1880
- Second wife, Mary Patmore, dies.
- 1881
- Marries Harriet Robson, Emily's friend and the younger children's governess.
- 1882
- 13 July, Emily Honoria dies of consumption.
- 1883
- Henry Patmore dies; Francis born, the only child of the third
- 1884
- Henry Patmore's poems published with a memoir by his sister
- 1885
- Begins writing short essays for the St. James's Gazette and
other journals, continuing intermittently into the mid-
- 1889
- Principle in Art (chiefly St. James's essays).
- 1891
- Moves to Lymington, Hants.
- 1892-
- Friendship with Alice Meynell.
- 1895
- 1893
- Religio Poetae (a second collection of late essays).
- 1895
- The Rod, the Root, and the Flower (brief essays and
- 1896
- Patmore dies on 26 November.
This extract is taken from Herbert Sussman, Coventry Patmore (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1981)

Emily Aususte Patmore, "The Angel in the House"
Oil Painting by John Brett, B. A.
Coventry Patmore. From a drawing by John Brett, R. A., 1855.
Family Group at the Mansion, Hastings

Last updated: 25 February 1998.
If you know about any other Web sites related to the life and works of Coventy Patmore, please e-mail me at [email protected].

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