Published quarterly since 1965
The contents pages for all the issues of
The Gissing Newsletter and The Gissing Journal (Digitized Version)

Editorial Board
- Professor Maria Teresa Chialant, University of Salerno
- Hélène Coustillas, La Madeleine
- Professor Richard Dennis, University of London
- Dr David Grylls, University of Oxford
- Professor Constance Harsh, Colgate University
- Dr. Christine Huguet, University of Lille
- Dr. José María Díaz Lage, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja
- Mitsuharu Matsuoka, University of Nagoya
- Markus Neacey, Berlin
- Dr Christina Sjöholm, Uppsala University
- Dr John Sloan, University of Oxford
- Professor Luisa Villa, University of Genova
Publisher and Editor
The Gissing Journal is published four times a year, in January, April, July and October. Subscriptions are normally on a two-year basis and begin with the January number. Rates for two years are as follows:
Individuals (Europe): £17
Libraries (Europe): £24
Individuals (ROW): £21
Libraries (ROW): £26
Payment can be made in sterling to [email protected] via Paypay, by cheque made out to Markus Neacey, or by bank transfer (contact the editor).
Information for Contributors
The Gissing Journal publishes essays and book reviews on Gissing and his circle. Contributions may deal with bibliographical, biographical, critical, and topographical subjects. Please send them as a Word document to the editor, Markus Neacey, by email to Essays are welcome from academics and enthusiasts.
NB. After publishing their work in this journal, academics are encouraged to post their essays on the websites of their home institutions.
ISSN: 0962-0443
Vol. LVI, No. 2 (April, 2022)
- “To please the vulgar”: Transformative Writing and Reading in New Grub Street and The Odd Women, by Amanda Farage
- Brutality in the Slums: Presentations of Violence and Gender in George Gissing’s The Nether World (1889) and Arthur Morrison’s A Child of the Jago (1896), by Daniel Rowley
- Chit-Chat
- George Gissing’s Socialism in Demos Revisited, by Chris Payne
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. LVI, No. 1 (January, 2022)
- “I Felt Like Writing to Him [George Gissing],” by Christopher Baggs
- Chit-Chat
- Of Booksellers, Editors, and Demons: George Gissing at 432 Euston Road, by Markus Neacey
- Book Reviews, by David Grylls and Frederick Nesta
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. LV, No. 4 (October, 2021)
- Edith Lister: Chameleon Woman of Letters and her Relationship with Arthur Bullen, by Bouwe Postmus
- Chit-Chat
- Mapping Gissing’s Chronotopes from Text to Code to Graph, by Rebecca Hutcheon
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. LV, No. 3 (July, 2021)
- For Hélène Coustillas: in Commemoration of Her Outstanding Contribution to Gissing Studies
- In “the shadow of harsh destiny”: Gissing’s “A Calamity at Tooting,” by Richard Dennis
- Algernon Gissing’s The Wealth of Mallerstang and the Readers of The Cardiff and South Wales Weekly News, by Chris Payne
- Henry Ryecroft Lives Again: An Encounter on Westminster Bridge, by Markus Neacey
- Upper Westgate, Wakefield Heritage Action Zone: The Gissing Centre, by Geoff Dibb
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece: Hélène and Pierre
Vol. LV, No. 2 (April, 2021)
- In Search of Rosherville Gardens, by Richard Gosling
- Chit-Chat
- Dissonance of Class and Personal Aesthetic: Pathos in Gissing’s Born in Exile, New Grub Street, and The Unclassed, by Lucy Sullivan
- In Commemoration of the 700th Anniversary of Dante’s Death: Notes on Gissing and Dante, by Vincenzo Pepe
- Gissing and Genetics: A Note, by Lucy Sullivan
- Book Reviews: by Rebecca Hutcheon and Michele Russo
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece: Gissing on Women by a Contemporary Feminist Critic
Vol. LV, No. 1 (January, 2021)
- To Mark the 150th Anniversary of Thomas Waller Gissing’s Death (Markus Neacey)
- The “Literary Machine”: Fantasies of Automation in New Grub Street (Kira Braham)
- Naturalism in Gissing’s The Nether World and Zola’s L’Assommoir (Melissa Todd)
- Morley Roberts’ Speech at the New Vagabonds Club (Markus Neacey)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Book Reviews (David Grylls and Lorenzo Buonvivere)
Supplement to Vol. LIV, No. 4 (October, 2020)
- Preface: Gissing in Vogue (Tom Ue)
- Marriage Not à la Mode (Rachel Bowlby)
- Gissing’s Pianos (Richard Dennis)
- The Odd One or Two (Christopher Douglas)
- Walking-Sticks (Annette Federico)
- “For Her Own Satisfaction Alone”? Dress in The Odd Women (Constance D. Harsh)
- False Hair and Paradoxical Performance in The Nether World (Peter Katz)
- “[They] Hung About Him Unregarded”: Clothing, Social Mobility and Hope (Mike Lesiuk)
- Fashionable Nonsense in Gissing’s The Whirlpool (Drue McPherson)
- “Of Course It Was Meant to Be Vicious”: Poses Plastiques in Workers in the Dawn (Diana Maltz)
- Gissing’s Look (Kevin A. Morrison)
- “Matters Sartorial”: Clothing as Social Discourse in Born in Exile (Lynda Mugglestone)
- Gissing’s “Foolish” Virgin: Rosamund’s Predetermined Fate (Allison Munday)
- Fashion in Sixth-Century Rome (Gareth Reeves)
- Women’s Fashion: The Deceit in Dress (Lydia Shaw)
- Art and Dress in “A Victim of Circumstances” (Margaret D. Stetz)
- Gissing and the Modern Idea: A Thought (Jeremy Tambling)
- Blind Beggars (Heather Tilley)
- Gissing’s Hands (Tom Ue)
- Biffen’s Overcoat (Luisa Villa)
- From ‘Native Rags’ to Riches? Sartorial Aspiration in The Nether World (Minna Vuohelainen)
- Bibliography (Tom Ue)
Vol. LIV, No. 4 (October, 2020)
- “Cold wet feet under a wet umbrella”: Katherine Mansfield’s Response to George Gissing (Ann Herndon Marshall)
- Thomas Waller Gissing and the Wakefield Bribers (Bouwe Postmus)
- Linguistic Otherness in By the Ionian Sea. Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy (1901): a Comparison with Giovanni Verga’s Short Stories (Michele Russo)
- Notes and News: Call for Papers, Gissing Session at Northeast MLA, Philadelphia, 14-17/3/2021 (Josephine McQuail)
Vol. LIV, No. 3 (July, 2020)
- George Gissing’s Dullness by Design (Ashar Foley)
- End of a Wild-Goose Chase: James Paterson’s Biography of George Gissing (Bouwe Postmus)
- From Hoxton to Holloway: Suburbanising North London in Demos and Beyond (Jason Finch)
- Book Review (Luca Brezzo)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Tailpiece: George Gissing by George C. Williamson
Vol. LIV, No. 2 (April, 2020)
- Precious Balms: A Fragment of Machen and Gissing Criticism (George Gorniak)
- Further Update of Algernon Gissing’s Literary Output (Bouwe Postmus)
- George Gissing and Caradoc Evans, “one of the most remarkable Welshmen of his time” (Christopher Baggs)
- Chit-Chat: Flowers for Algernon (Markus Neacey)
- Algernon Gissing in Focus: The Life of a Novel from 1901(Markus Neacey)
- “The Fog” by Morley Roberts
Vol. LIV, No. 1 (January, 2020)
- Grubbing A Living (Christopher Douglas)
- Anthony Petyt: Our Man in Wakefield (1942-2019) (Bouwe Postmus)
- The Gissing-Gaussen Connection: the Levy Sisters (Markus Neacey)
- Gissing and Exeter, Part Three: Man About Town (Richard Dennis)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- “Dyce Lashmar and I are very old acquaintances”: Keir Hardie on Gissing’s Our Friend the Charlatan (Markus Neacey)
- Book Review: George Gissing, Racconti americani (Michele Russo)
- Tailpiece: Two Contemporary Reviews of By the Ionian Sea
Vol. LIII, No. 4 (October, 2019)
- “The unceasing questioner; to whom, indeed, there is no reply”: Life, Death, and Meaning in
- Gissing’s Fiction (Zeynep Harputlu Shah)
- The July 2019 Literary London Society Conference: “Gissing, Clerkenwell, and Coustillas” (Tom Ue)
- How a French Scholar Set a Young Student on His Own Scholarly Career (Hélène Coustillas)
- Gissing and Exeter, Part Two: Reading between the Lines (Richard Dennis)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Gissing and the Auditory Imagination: A Survey of Recent Studies (Tom Ue)
- Tailpiece: Ellen Gissing on Morley Roberts’ Fictional Biography of George Gissing
Vol. LIII, No. 3 (July, 2019)
- Gissing and Exeter, Part One: A Man of Property (Richard Dennis)
- What do we know of the relationship between Miss Orme and George Gissing? (Hélène Coustillas)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Thrills and Stills: The Making and Screening of Demos, the 1921 Silent Film (Markus Neacey)
Vol. LIII, No. 2 (April, 2019)
- Further Fragments of Two Lives: Machen and Gissing (George Gorniak)
- Make Love, Not War: George Gissing’s The Crown of Life (Flora T. Higgins)
- Some Newly-Discovered Contemporary Reviews of Gissing’s Early Novels (Markus Neacey)
- Aberystwyth Bibliographical Group Report on Gissing (Chris Baggs)
- Book Review: George Gissing, Il fuoco sotto la cenere (Lorenzo Buonvivere)
- Pierre Coustillas at the 1999 Gissing Conference in Amsterdam (Karina Of)
Vol. LIII, No. 1 (January, 2019)
- All Quiet on the German Front? George Gissing, the German Critic, and the German Soldier (Markus Neacey)
- Advertisement: The Dickens Fellowship
- Robert Livingstone Selig 1932-2018 (Markus Neacey)
- Remembering Pierre Coustillas (Colin and Viviane Lovelace)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Book Review (Alessandra Di Pietro)
- Announcement: CFP Pierre Coustillas and George Gissing (Tom Ue)
Supplement to Vol. LII, No. 4 (October, 2018)
- This is a special Supplement to The Gissing Journal with an obituary and tributes in memory of Pierre Coustillas from friends, colleagues, and admirers.
Vol. LII, No. 4 (October, 2018)
- Pierre Coustillas: 1930-2018 (Bouwe Postmus, Christine Huguet, and Markus Neacey)
- Q. D. Leavis’s Interest in George Gissing (Ying Ying)
- Gissing the Radical (Tom Ue)
- Gissing in Hungary (Bouwe Postmus)
- Gissing and the Topographies of Lambeth, Part Two: From Lambeth Walk to Brixton and Beyond (Jason Finch)
- Updating the Updates: Algernon Gissing’s Short Stories (Bouwe Postmus)
- Remembering John Halperin (Tom Ue)
Vol. LII, No. 3 (July, 2018)
- Gissing and the Topographies of Lambeth, Part One: Boundaries, Walks, Thyrza (Jason Finch)
- 25 St Paul’s Crescent (Christopher Douglas)
- George Gissing’s Long Journey to Potsdam (Markus Neacey)
- Odd Women Read The Odd Women (Flora T. Higgins)
- Why the Dickens is Gissing Missing? (Markus Neacey)
Vol. LII, No. 2 (April, 2018)
- Gissing and Chelsea: An Urban Walk (Richard Dennis)
- Fragments of Life: Arthur Machen and George Gissing (George Gorniak)
- Gender, Type, and Individual Identity in Isabel Clarendon (Constance D. Harsh)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Book Review: La vera storia di Will Warburton (Maria Teresa Chialant)
- Tailpiece: An Early Review of The Odd Women
Vol. LII, No. 1 (January, 2018)
- Born in Exile at 125 (Tom Ue)
- George Gissing’s “nomadic thought” and the Vibrant Experience of By the Ionian Sea (Emanuela Ettorre)
- Baron Corvo, the Socialist Politician, and the “Mysterious” Third Man: A Chronicle of 1893 and 1894 (Markus Neacey)
- George Gissing’s The Town Traveller: A Comedy, By Jorrocks! (Flora T. Higgins)
- Gissing and Naples (Vincenzo Pepe)
- The Dickens Fellowship of Japan Annual General Meeting: “Dickens and Gissing” (Mitsuharu Matsuoka)
Vol. LI, No. 4 (October, 2017)
- Born in Exile at 125 (Tom Ue)
- George Gissing’s “nomadic thought” and the Vibrant Experience of By the Ionian Sea (Emanuela Ettorre)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- Imagining the Past: Renger van den Heuvel on Gissing and Geerten Meijsing (Tom Ue)
- Thomas Waller Gissing and His Wakefield Friends: Their Work in Natural History from 1850 to 1870 (R. A. Baker)
- Book Review: Le donne di troppo (Maria Teresa Chialant)
- Italian Editions of George Gissing’s Works (Markus Neacey)
- Tailpiece: George Gissing by William Morris Colles
Vol. LI, No. 3 (July, 2017)
- An Introduction to Gissing’s “The Hope of Pessimism” (Roger Milbrandt)
- “The Hope of Pessimism,” A New Transcription (Roger Milbrandt)
- Chit-Chat (Markus Neacey)
- The Continuing Story of the Coward Family (Bouwe Postmus)
- Book Review: The Gissing Journal: A History and Index 55 of the First 50 Years (William Greenslade)
- Tailpiece: A New George Gissing
Vol. LI, No. 2 (April, 2017)
- Gissing Laughs, Wells Sighs: The Wells Way on BBC Radio 4 (Tom Ue)
- Born in Exile, Bakhtin, and the Double-Voiced Discourse of the Epistolary Form (Rebecca Hutcheon)
- A Compendium of Mysteries in Gissing Studies (Markus Neacey)
- George Gissing and Advertising (Frederick Nesta)
- Book Reviews (David Grylls and Markus Neacey)
Vol. LI, No. 1 (January, 2017)
- The Fifth International Gissing Conference, George Gissing and Place: A Personal Response (Rebecca Hutcheon)
- Announcement (Markus Neacey)
- “The Foolish Virgin” and Her Twentieth-Century Descendant (Gillian Tindall)
- Algernon Gissing’s “Hidden Fire,” Other Discoveries, and An Updated Bibliography (Markus Neacey)
- Obituary: Jacob Korg (1922-2015) (Nora Wright)
- Book Review: New Grub Street (Markus Neacey)
Vol. L, No. 4 (October, 2014)
- Sport and Leisure in Gissing’s Satirical Tales, Part 1 (Petra Schenke)
- In Memoriam: Anthony Curtis (1926-2014) (Hélène Coustillas)
- Book Review (Markus Neacey): New Grub Street, ed. Anthony Quinn. London: Vintage Classics, Random House, 2014
Vol. L, No. 3 (July, 2014)
- J. J. Thomson’s 1929 Letter Resurfaces (M. D. Allen)
- Marianne Helen Harrison: A Medical Diagnosis (Una Forsyth)
- Another Gissing Dissertation (Ying Ying)
- Book Reviews (William Greenslade): George Gissing and the Woman Question: Convention and Dissent, eds. Christine Huguet and Simon J. James. Farnham: Ashgate, 2013; (Wulfhard Stahl): Italy’s Lost Greece: Magna Graecia and the Making of Modern Archaeology, by Giovanna Ceserani. New York: OUP, 2012
Vol. L, No. 2 (April, 2014)
- Mapping the City: The Problems with Mimesis in Gissing’s The Nether World (Rebecca Hutcheon)
- Knowing Your Place: Place and Class in Gissing’s “Slum” Novels, concluded (Pat Colling)
- A New Gissing Ph.D. (Rebecca Hutcheon)
- Gissing and the Victorian Web (M. D. Allen)
Vol. L, No. 1 (January, 2014)
- Knowing Your Place: Place and Class in George Gissing’s “Slum” Novels, Part 1 (Pat Colling)
- Gissing Reviewed on Amazon (Robin Friedman)
Vol. XLIX, No. 4 (October, 2013)
- "Fred Barnard's Illustrations for 'The Fate of Humphrey Snell' and 'An Inspiration' in The English Illustrated Magazine, 1895" (Philip V. Allingham)
- "Gissing and Poe: A Postscript" (George Gorniak)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIX, No. 3 (July, 2013)
- "An Impossible Act to Follow!"
- "Gissing's Address Book" (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Review (Simon J. James): Underground Writing: The London Tube from George Gissing to Virginia Woolf, by David Welsh. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2010
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIX, No. 2 (April, 2013)
- Two Unpublished Gissing Letters in the Beinecke Library (Pierre Coustillas)
- Homage to George Whale (1846-1925)
- Short Stories by Algernon Gissing published in Australia: More Additions (Bouwe Postmus)
- Book Reviews (Robin Friedman, Markus Neacey, and Wulfhard Stahl)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLIX, No. 1 (January, 2013)
- Irony, Narrative Hybrids, and Genre Theory: The Dramatic Monologue and Gissing's Short Fiction (Tom Ue)
- The Othello of Herne Hill (M. D. Allen)
- George Gissing and Edgar Allan Poe - Part Two (George Gorniak)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLVIII, No. 4 (October, 2012)
- The "Ground-Floor" Maiden Lady: Fanny Lebreton, George Gissing and Salomon Reinach (Hervé Duchêne)
- Gissing Reviewed on Amazon (Robin Friedman)
- Book Reviews (Bouwe Postmus and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLVIII, No. 3 (July, 2012)
- Gissing Commemorated again by the Ionian Sea (Pierre Coustillas)
- Ellen Sophia Whittington's Generosity: the Sources of the Whittington Fortune (Bouwe Postmus)
- Morley Roberts's Literary Career in the 1880s and 1890s (concluded) (Markus Neacey)
- Book Reviews (Bouwe Postmus)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLVIII, No. 2 (April, 2012)
- Morley Roberts's Literary Career in the 1880s and 1890s (Markus Neacey)
- Four Novels of George Gissing's by Edith Searle Grossmann (Matthew Woollard)
- Book Reviews (Wulfhard Stahl and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLVIII, No. 1 (January, 2012)
- George Gissing and Edgar Allan Poe (George Gorniak)
- Gissing Reviewed on Amazon
- Private Tuition: A Burdensome Phase in Gissing's Life (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLVII, No. 4 (October, 2011)
- Teaching Gissing in the Twenty-First Century (Simon J. James et al.)
- In the Year of Jubilee and Eve's Ransom: Alternative Trajectories form a Common Impulse (Lucy Sullivan)
- Additional Antipodean Algernon Gissing Titles (Bouwe Postmus)
- Gissing Collection for Sale
- Book Reviews (Bouwe Postmus and Christine DeVine)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLVII, No. 3 (July, 2011)
- The Fourth International George Gissing Conference: A Personal Response (Debbie Harrison)
- Robert Petremant's Friendship with Gissing (Bouwe Postmus)
- Our Mutual Friend: A Source for A Life's Morning (M. D. Allen)
- "A Bookman's Notes: George Gissing," Written in the Wake of the 1927 Edition of Thyrza (A. N. Monkhouse)
- Book Reviews (Markus Neacey and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLVII, No. 2 (April, 2011)
- Roman Celebrations of Christmas Seen in Perspective: Gissing's Essay "Christmas on the Capitol"
- "The Knight of the Simple Heart": Twemlow into Tymperley (M. D. Allen)
- A Model for the Typing Office in Gissing's The Odd Women (Lawrence Rainey)
- The Privately Published Editions of Gissing's Works (Pierre Coustillas)
- Reviews (Simon J. James and Ian J. Deary)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLVII, No. 1 (January, 2011)
- William Gissing Stannard, Memorialist: History and Legend, a Rambling Commentary (Pierre Coustillas)
- Wisconsin Public Radio, University of the Air: Gissing Interview with M. D. Allen
- Book Review (David Grylls)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- "The Secret of the Busento"
Vol. XLVI, No. 4 (October, 2010)
- Mapping Gissing's Workers in the Dawn (Richard Dennis)
- Exteriors, Interiors and Interiority in Workers in the Dawn (Debbie Harrison)
- Clerkenwell as Hell - Gissing's "nether world" (Andrew Whitehead)
- Gissing's Copy of Lecky's History of European Morals (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLVI, No. 3 (July, 2010)
- Anthony Powell and George Gissing (Anthony Curtis)
- The Last Years of Edith Underwood (Anthony Petyt)
- On Virginia Woolf's First Two Gissing Reviews and Parallel Chapters in New Grub Street and The Voyage Out (Robert Selig)
- George Gissing's Voyage to America and the Hazardous Career of the "Good ship 'Parthia'" (Markus Neacey)
- Fourth International George Gissing Conference
- Gissing Abused and Betrayed: An Angry Review (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLVI, No. 2 (April, 2010)
- Vanity Fair: A Source for The Whirlpool (M. D. Allen)
- Two Early Gissing Reviews Discovered (Bouwe Postmus)
- "Turning Over a Score of Letters. . ." and the Pages of a Diary: The Friendship of George Gissing and Arthur Bowes (Markus Neacey)
- Book Reviews
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLVI, No. 1 (January, 2010)
- Thomas Waller Gissing before his Move to Wakefield: Some Materials towards his Biography (Bouwe Postmus)
- George Gissing and Rupert Hart-Davis (George Gorniak)
- Gissing and Vesuvius (Vincenzo Pepe)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLV, No. 4 (October, 2009)
- Manchester 1911-1914: Gissing Slandered and Extolled - Homage to Percy Withers, C. H. Herford and A. N. Monkhouse (Pierre Coustillas)
- Arthur C. Clarke Looking Backward 1967-1898 and Morley Roberts Anticipating: A Literary Oddity (Markus Neacey)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLV, No. 3 (July, 2009)
- The Sinden Bequest (Anthony Petyt)
- Depressive Gissing: Reconsidering Gillian Tindall's Diagnosis (Robert L. Selig)
- The Gissings' Wakefield Circle: VII - Samuel and Lucy Bruce (Anthony Petyt)
- Gissing and Horace (Vincenzo Pepe)
- Gissing in French Louisiana (Christine DeVine)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLV, No. 2 (April, 2009)
- Gissing's Scarcest Story: Redemption "At Nightfall" or Tribute to a Virtuous Woman (Markus Neacey)
- Gissing's Membership of the Association for the Improvement of Public Morals (Bouwe Postmus)
- "A very decent fellow, intelligent and cordial": Gissing's Contact with the American Journalist Joseph Anderson (Pierre Coustillas)
- A Collector's Lament (Bouwe Postmus)
- Obituary: Francesco Badolato, 1926-2009 (Pierre Coustillas) and farewell letter (Wulfhard Starl)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas)
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLV, No. 1 (January, 2009)
- How Secure Was George Gissing? A Study of Gissing's Income between 1889 and 1903 (Roger Milbrandt)
followed by A Revision of George Gissing's "Account of Books"
- Art and Money: George Gissing, D. H. Lawrence and the Literary Marketplace (Andrew Marrison)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIV, No. 4 (October, 2008)
- Margaret Bedford Gissing, Pendennis, and the Manchester Deébâcle (M. D. Allen)
- Cornwall Mansions: The Rise and Fall of 7K and Its Neighbours (Richard Dennis)
- St Ruth: George Gissing's Drill-Sergeant in War and Peach (Markus Neacey)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece: Malwida von Meysenbug
Vol. XLIV, No. 3 (July, 2008)
- The Third International George Gissing Conference, 27-28 March 2008, Lille, France: A Personal Response (M. D. Allen)
- The Festschrift (William Greenslade)
- The Gissings' Wakefield Circle: VI - The Ash Family (Anthony Petyt)
- "His favourite work,--education" The Letters of Eduard Bertz to Heinrich Rehfeldt, 1880 (Markus Neacey and Wulfhard Stahl)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas and Tatsuhiro Ohno)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIV, No. 2 (April, 2008)
- Gissing's Pacifism: A Temperament in the Light of History (Pierre Coustillas)
- "She has brains, and doesn't belong to the vulgar": Constructing the Fallen Woman in Gissing's The Odd Women (William Davis)
- Bentley's Emancipated profit (Frederick Nesta)
- An Unknown Victorian Writer? Translating George Gissing into Spanish (Miguel Temprano Garcia)
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIV, No. 1 (January, 2008)
- 2007: Another Landmark in Gissing's Posthumous Life (Pierre Coustillas and Tony Petyt)
- The Admirable Kate Boughton: George Gissing's Housekeeper in Dorking (Markus Neacey)
- Gissing's Presentation Copies of his Works to Eduard Bertz: New Considerations and Fresh Confusions (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (David Grylls and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- For the Third International George Gissing Conference in March 2008
Vol. XLIII, No. 4 (October, 2007)
- How Poor Was George Gissing? A Study of Gissing's Income between 1877 and 1888 (Roger Milbrandt)
- Bleak House and The Imancipated (M. D. Allen)
- The Peregrinations of a Preston Traveller (Bouwe Postmus)
- The Gissings' Wakefield Circle: V - The Mackie Family (Anthony Petyt)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIII, No. 3 (July, 2007)
- George Gissing's Scrapbook, edited by Bouwe Postmus, now available (Bouwe Postmus)
- Mr. Baker and Miss Yule: Mass Literary and the Complexity of Reading and Writing in George Gissing's
New Grub Street (Ryan Stephenson)
- "Feeble Idyllicism": Gissing's Critique of Oliver Twist and Ryecroft (M. D. Allen)
- The H. G. Wells Annual Conference
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Persian translation of New Grub Street, front cover of dust-jacket
Vol. XLIII, No. 2 (April, 2007)
- Bella Curtis: The Canadian Connection (Bouwe Postmus)
- Against the Modern: Rural Idylls and Urban Realities in George Gissing's Fiction (Lewis Moore)
- The Inimitable "Day of Silence" (Robert L. Selig)
- Edmund Widdowson and the Rev. John Todd's Student's Manual (M. D. Allen)
- Third International George Gissing Conference: Second Call for Papers
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
- The H. G. Wells Annual Conference
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLIII, No. 1 (January, 2007)
- "A crazy idea . . . All gone off in smoke": George Gissing and Miss Curtis, Part Two, The Curtis Family (Markus Neacey)
- Third International George Gissing Conference: Call for Papers
- The Gissings' Wakefield Circle: IV - The Hick family (Anthoy Petyt)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas and John Sloan)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLII, No. 3 (July, 2006)
- "The Muse of the Halls" (George Gissing)
- The Index to the Papers of Henry Ryecroft (Hazel Bell)
- The Gissings' Wakefield Circle II - The Milner Family (Anthoy Petyt)
- Book Reviews (William Greenslade, Pierre Coustillas, and Michael Cronin)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XLII, No. 2 (April, 2006)
- Escape from Marriage: A Gissing Theme (Robert L. Selig)
- Where "Affable Hawk" Stepped In, or How Desmond MacCarthy Roamed on Gissing's Trail for Over Three Decades (Pierre Coustillas)
- The Gissings' Wakefield Circle: I - The Benington and Binks Families (Anthoy Petyt)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas, Markus Neacey and R. Price)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLII, No. 1 (January, 2006)
- Gissing's Revision of Thyrza (David Grylls)
- Special Offer from Palgrave Macmillan
- Gissing's Literal Revenge and Jordan's Collected Silences in "The Prize Lodger" (Markus Neacey)
- Arthur Bowes Again (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLI, No. 4 (October, 2005)
- George Gissing and America (Jacob Korg)
- Three Lancashire Advocates of Gissing (Pierre Coustillas)
- A New Italian Translation in Context (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLI, No. 3 (July, 2005)
- The Text of Eve's Ransom: Insights from the Illustrated London News Serialization (Constance Harsh)
- For Flag and Fortune? The Colonial Edition, 1843-1972: A Gissing Perspective (John Spiers)
- Gissing Returns to Manchester
- Bibliographical Query
- Three Companions in One (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Review (Bouwe Postmus)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLI, No. 2 (April, 2005)
- Bertziana in Victor Ottmann's Litterarisches Echo: The Rediscovery of a Rare File (Wulfhard Stahl)
- Gissing, Tolstoi and the Victorian Vegetarian Movement (Ayaka Komiya)
- Book Reviews (Bouwe Postmus, and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XLI, No. 1 (January, 2005)
- Eduard Bertz's Rugby, Tennessee (M. D. Allen)
- From Veranilda to The Private Life of Henry Maitland:
The Correspondence between Clara Collet and Morley Roberts (fourth and last instalment)
(Pierre Coustillas)
- Demos: A Review in The State (John Sloan and Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (Bouwe Postmus, Mitsuharu Matsuoka, and Christina Sjöholm)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XL, No. 4 (October, 2004)
- The Sharp Conference Welcomes Gissing: "Gissing in Translation," (Pierre Coustillas);
"George Gissing and Libraries," (Chris Baggs); "George Gissing, International Copyright and
Late Victorian Publishing," (Frederick N. Nesta)
- From Veranilda to The Private Life of Henry Maitland:
The Correspondence between Clara Collet and Morley Roberts (third and penultimate instalment)
(Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (Fumio Hojoh and Annika Juuso Savary)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XL, No. 3 (July, 2004)
- George Gissing (1857-1903): London's Restless Analyst (Richard Dennis)
- From Veranilda to The Private Life of Henry Maitland: The Correspondence between Clara Collet and Morley Roberts (second instalment) (Pierre Coustillas)
- Gissing and C. S. Lewis (Anthony Curtis)
- Book Review (Jacob Korg)
- Letter to the Editor
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XL, No. 2 (April, 2004)
- From Veranilda to The Private Life of Henry Maitland: The Correspondence between Clara Collet and Morley Roberts (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (Marilyn B. Saveson, Jacob Korg, Bouwe Postmus and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XL, No. 1 (January, 2004)
- Gissing Commemorated in the Basque Country and Elsewhere (Pierre Coustillas)
- In Darkest London: George Gissing's The Nether World as Urban Novel (Kirsten Hertel)
- The Thyrza Contract and Two Unpublished Letters (Frederick N. Nesta)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIX, No. 4 (October, 2003)
- An Event, and History: The Gissing Centenary Conference (John Spiers)
- George Gissing's London Residences 1877-1891 (Robin Woolven)
- From "Phoebe's Fortune" to "Phoebe," by courtesy of George Bentley, Temple Bar's Hatchet Man (Barbara Rawlinson)
- George Gissing and Morley Roberts: The Life of Writing in Late-Victorian England (Lewis Moore)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIX, No. 3 (July, 2003)
- "Misery of Miseries": Gissing and the Servant Question (Christina Sjöholm)
- Gissing's vision of Croton: De Quincey, Lenormant, Livy, and the Past Recaptured (Robert Selig)
- A Paisley Grocer and Two Paisley Poets (Bouwe Postmus)
- Gissing and Hornung: Their Relationship in Life and Death (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Review: Am Ionischen Meer (Bouwe Postmus)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIX, No. 2 (April, 2003)
- "The Grandfather's New Year's Story": An Unpublished Story from Gissing's Juvenilia (Barbara Rawlinson)
- "The Decently Ignoble - or, the Ignobly Decent?": George Gissing's Fictional Clerks (continued) (Jonathan Wild)
- Obituary: Alan Clodd (1918-2002) (Stephen Stuart-Smith)
- Alan Clodd: A Personal Recollection (Pierre Coustillas)
- Calabrian Update (Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIX, No. 1 (January, 2003)
- "No more ardent admirer": James Cuthbert Hadden on George Gissing in the Wolverhampton Chronicle (John Sloan and Pierre Coustillas)
- "The Decently Ignoble - or, the Ignobly Decent?" George Gissing's Fictional Clerks (Jonathan Wild)
- A Note and a Query from T. W. Gissing (Bouwe Postmus)
- The Electronic Gissing: A Further Update (Peter Morton)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 4 (October, 2002)
- The Cotsworld Connections of George and Algernon Gissing (Robin Woolven)
- A dedicated Cyclist: Algernon Gissing's Rural Rides (Bouwe Postmus)
- Gissing on the Air (Pierre Coustillas)
- Gissing and Calabria (Pierre Coustillas)
- In Memoriam: Sydney Frederick Lott, 1920-2002
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 3 (July, 2002)
- Mourning, Pleasure and the Aesthetic Ideal in The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft (Kevin Swafford)
- The deadliest enemy of the poor? (Debbie Harrison)
- "Across the Bidassoa": A Forgotten Essay (Morley Roberts)
- Book Review (David Grylls)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2 (April, 2002)
- New George Gissing Letters at The New York Public Library (Jim Moske)
- "There's many a true word said in joke": Quixoticism in The Nether World (George Scott Christian)
- The Fiction of Class at the Fin de Siécle(Robert L. Selig)
- Gissing Interviewed and Remembered (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1 (January, 2002)
- George Gissing on Music: Italian Impressions (Allan W. Atlas)
- The Centenary Conference
- The Biographical-Critical Circle: "A lodger in Maze Pond" (Robert L. Selig)
- A Recently Discovered Essay on Gissing (Christina Sjöholm)
- A Greek Translation of Sleeping Fires: A Review (Michael Parfect)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVII, No. 4 (October, 2001)
- "At Cemetery found a delightful guardian": The Crotone Gardener Identified (Teresa Liguori and Pierre Coustillas)
- Bohemia's Bo(a)rders: Queer-Friendly Gissing (Diana Maltz)
- Gissing and Railways (Sydney Lott)
- Morre on Gissing and the Theatre (Jacob Korg)
- Paul Mattheisen: 1925-2001
- Book Reviews (Renzo D'Agnillo)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVII, No. 3 (July, 2001)
- Gissing's Triumphant Return to the Reading Room (Bouwe Postmus)
- Gissing and the Theatre: A Lucid Outlook on "the Drama in the Doldrums" (Pierre Coustillas)
- Money and Manhood: Gissing's Redefinition of Lower-Middle-Class Man (Arlene Young)
- Two Classes of Story: Literature and Class in Gissing's Demos (Christine DeVine)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece: A Bargain
Vol. XXXVII, No. 2 (April, 2001)
- Keeping One's Own Counsel: Authorship, Literary Advice and New Grub Street (Margot Stafford)
- An Upstart Odd Woman: "A Daughter of the Lodge" (Robert L. Selig)
- Of Ethics and Mess: Two Contributions to Gissing Studies (Jacob Korg)
- "The most delicately sensitive face I have ever seen": Coulson Kernahan's Reminiscences of Gissing (Pierre Coustillas)
- MLA Special Session on Gissing (Christine DeVine)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVII, No. 1 (January, 2001)
- "A Hell Constructed by Man": Depictions of the Poor in The Nether World (Christine DeVine)
- The Dispossessed: A Consideration of George Gissing (Walter Allen, with an introduction by Anthony Curtis)
- Book Reviews (Karina Of)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Tailpiece (Joseph Conrad)
Vol. XXXVI, No. 4 (October, 2000)
- Eustace Glazzard: The Schopenhauerian Dilemma (Janice Deledalle-Rhodes)
- Gissing's Worldly Parable: "The Foolish Virgin" (Robert L. Selig)
- Gissing and London's Music Halls (Sydney Lott)
- On the Latin of Gissing's Henry Ryecroft (Matthew Leigh)
- Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVI, No. 3 (July, 2000)
- Compassion and Selfishness in Gissing's Slum Novels (Chérifa Krifa Mbarek)
- Gissing's Dreams and Realities, between Wives (Sydney Lott)
- "Catanzaro Judged by an English Journalist" (Pierre Coustillas)
- In Gissing's Footsteps to Magna Cræcia (Peter Morton)
- Other Book Reviews (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVI, No. 2 (April, 2000)
- The Grocer's Romance: Economic Transactions and Radical Individualism in Will Warburton (Luisa Villa)
- The Coming Man and the Will to Power in Born in Exile (Markus Neacey)
- Book Reviews (Marilyn B. Saveson, Raimund Schäffner, Michael Cronin and Wulfhard Stahl)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXVI, No. 1 (January, 2000)
- The Darwinian influence on Gissing's In the Year of Jubilee (Christina Sjöholm)
- Gissing in Catanzaro: A Commemoration (P. Coustillas, D. Grylls, B. Postmus)
- Allusions to Gissing in the Complete Works of George Gissing (Peter Morton)
- "The Poet's Portmanteau": A Flirtation that Dares not Speak its Name (Robert L. Selig
- Gissing and the Crystal Palace (Sydney Lott)
- Book Review (Kazuo Mizokawa)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXV, No. 4 (October, 1999)
- The International George Gissing Conference: 9-11 September 1999 at Amsterdam (Martha S. Vogeler)
- Money as Language and Idea in George Gissing's Fiction (Lewis D. Moore)
- "The Man is a Born Artist": The Relationship between George Gissing and John Wood Shortridge (concluded) (Russell Price and Russel Price)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXV, No. 3 (July, 1999)
- "The Man is a Born Artist": The Relationship between George Gissing and John Wood Shortridge (Pierre Coustillas and Russell Price)
- A Critique of Gissing (Jacob Korg)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXV, No. 2 (April, 1999)
- "The Coming Man" and "La Cité Moderne" (Janice Deledalle-Rhodes)
- A Visit to Bee Bee (Anthony Curtis)
- Gissing's "Spellbound" and "New Grub Street" (Robert L. Selig)
- The Spade House that Gissing Knew (Sydney Lott)
- Drs. into Dr. (P. C.)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
- Sonnet (Thomas Waller Gissing)
Vol. XXXV, No. 1 (January, 1999)
- Somatopsychic distress in the life and novels of George Gissing (Ian J. Deary)
- New Grub Street East (Richard Collins)
- Gissing Observed: Letters from William Rothenstein, A. H. Bullen and Mrs. Louise Chandler Mounton about him (Pierre Coustillas)
- A Gissing Collection for Sale (Pierre Coustillas)
- Douglas James Hallam, 1917-1998 (Anthony Petyt)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIV, No. 4 (October, 1998)
- Lost Illusions and the Will to Die in New Grub Street (Markus Neacey)
- A Critical Enquiry into the Gissing Boom in Japan in the 1920s: The special Gissing Number of Eigo Kenkyu, Vol. 18 (1924), no. 8 (Masahiko Yahata)
- Greek Culture and Gissing's Journey to Greece (Maria Dimitriadou)
- Gissing and St. Sidwell (Sydney Lott)
- Book Reviews (Peter Morton and Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIV, No. 3 (July, 1998)
- "Thyrza": Gissing, Darwin and the Destinies of Innocence (Francesco Marroni)
- Notes on the Net (Peter Morton)
- "C'è novità: News from Calabria (Wulfhard Stahl)
- Eduard Bertz, Dead and Alive: an Announcement
- A Forgotten Review (Thomas Seccombe)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIV, No. 2 (April, 1998)
- Socialism and Conservatism in George Gissing's Workers in the Dawn and Demos (Raimund Schäffner)
- Monkshouse, Northumberland: Fact into Fiction (Bouwe Postmus)
- The Lamb House that Gissing Saw (Sydney Lott)
- Book Review (Jacob Korg)
- 1898: Three of Gissing's Books Discussed by Fellow Novelists (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIV, No. 1 (January, 1998)
- More of Gissing's "Indispensable" False Starts and Discarded Novels (Marilyn B. Saveson)
- The Hope of Pessimism and the Will to Live in "The Unclassed" (Markus Neacey)
- Walter Gissing: A Further Note (William Greenslade)
- More about Gissing and the Paparazzi (Francesco Badolato and Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Reviews (Fumio Hojoh, Janice Deledalle-Rhodes, Wulfhand Stahl, and Bouwe Postmus)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIII, No. 4 (October, 1997)
- The Forthcoming Gissing Conference: First Announcement (B. P. Postmus)
- George Gissing, Henry James and the Concept of Realism (Janice Deledalle-Rhodes)
- Gissing and the Paparazzi (Francesco Badolato and Pierre Coustillas)
- "Far, Far Away": George Gissing's Passion for the Classics (Ayaka Okada)
- Book Review (William Greenslade)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXIII, No. 3 (July, 1997)
- Isabel Clarendon: Hearts Made Sepulchres (Michael Cronin)
- The Boston Evening Transcript's Reception of George Gissing's Works (Bonnie Zane and Pierre Coustillas)
- Gissing and Virgil: a note (Bouwe Postmus)
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
Vol. XXXIII, No. 2 (April, 1997)
Vol. XXXIII, No. 1 (April, 1997)
- In the Year of Jubilee and American Grundyism (Christina Sjöholm)
- Gissing's Introduction to the Autograph Edition to David Copperfield
- Travel and Writing: George Gissing Ideological Journey in Italy (Annarita Del Nobile)
- Gissing and the Betjeman Circle (Anthony Curtis)
- Gissing in D. H. Lawrence's Letters (Jacob Korg)
- Thyrza's Eastbourne (Sydney Lott)
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
Vol. XXXII, No. 4 (October, 1996)
- Gissing's Born in Exile and Théodule-Armand Ribot's L'hérédité psychologique (Robert L. Selig)
- Gissing in Prison (Paul Delany)
- A Letter from the Western Avernus: Morley Roberts to his sister Ida (Pierre Coustillas)
- The Paying Guest and the Praise it Won in 1896 (Pierre Coustillas)
- Thirty Letters about Gissing to be Rescued from Oblivion
- Gissing on the Internet (Jacob Korg)
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
Vol. XXXII, No. 3 (July, 1996)
- Riches in a Little Room: Ethel Wheeler's Appreciation of Gissing (Bouwe Postmus)
- Walter Leonard Gissing (1891-1916): An Anniversary (Pierre Coustillas)
- Eduard Berz and Sie raden wie ein Mann, Madame (Markus Neacey)
- Book Review (William Greenslade and Pierre Coustillas)
Vol. XXXII, No. 2 (April, 1996)
- A Distinguished Acquaintance of Gissing's at Ciboure: Arthur Brownlow Fforde (Pierre Coustillas)
- Between Emancipation and Restraint--Reading the Body in The Odd Women (Hihoko Takeda)
- Shan F. Bullock: Gissing's Admirer and an Ingenious Short Story Writer (Masahiko Yahata)
- A Forgotten Assessment of Veranilda (Randolph Faries, 2d)
- Gissing in the Boston Evening Transcript: His Interview by Joseph Anderson(Pierre Coustillas)
- Book Review (John Sloan)
Vol. XXXII, No. 1 (January, 1996)
- Editors of Gissing Letters Win MLA Award (Martha S. Vogeler)
- Eduard Berz's Correspondence with Macmillan & Co. 1884-1908 (Wulfhard Stahl)
- Gissing's 1897 Stay at Budleigh Salterton: A Topographical Enquiry (Pierre Coustillas and Garry Randoll)
- Addenda and Corrigenda to Walter Grünzweig's Article "Adulation and Paranoia" (Wulfhard Stahl)
- Book Review (David Grylls and Pierre Coustillas)
Vol. XXXI, No. 4 (October, 1995)
- Clara Collet's Clairvoyance (Bouwe Postmus)
- Scattered Critical Responses to Gissing in Four Chicago Papers (Robert L. Selig)
- An Eerie Incident in Gissing's Life (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXI, No. 3 (July, 1995)
- You Have not Dunne 'Til you Have Donne: The Story of Gissing and B. B. Dunne (Paul F. Mattheisen)
- "The Salt of the Earth" and the Ethics of Self-Denial (Emanuel Ettorre)
- A Hundred Years Ago: The Dinner at the Burford Bridge Hotel on 13 July 1895
- Book Review (Pierre Coustillas)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXI, No. 2 (April, 1995)
- The Unclassed in The Odd Women (Michael Cronin)
- An Uphill, Unrewarding Struggle: The Letters of Algernon Gissing to James B. Pinker (Pierre Coustillas)
- Pathos and Patience: "The Light on the Tower" and "The Schoolmaster's Vision" (Masahiko Yahata)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications
Vol. XXXI, No. 1 (January, 1995)
- Mr Harmsworth's Blue Pencil: "Simple Simon" Revisited (Bouwe Postmus)
- T. W. Gissing and Algernon Gissing in the "O.E.D." (John Simpson)
- The Critical Response to Gissing in the Chicago Trivune (Robert L. Selig and Pierre Coustillas)
- The 1894 Booker Prize (Pierre Coustillas)
- Review (David Grylls)
- Notes and News
- Recent Publications

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