George Gissing: Bibliography

  1. Roberts, Morley, The Private Life of Henry Maitland (London, 1912)
  2. Swinnerton, Frank, George Gissing, A Critical Study (London, 1912)
  3. Yates, May, George Gissing und die Soziale Frage (Leipzig, 1932)
  4. McKay, Ruth Capers, George Gissing, An Appreciation (Manchester, 1922)
  5. Gissing, Ellen, Some Personal Recollections of George Gissing (Folcroft Library Editions, 1929)
  6. Rotter, A., Frank Swinnerton und George Gissing, Eine Kritische Studie (Prague, 1930)
  7. Weber, Anton, George Gissing und die Soziale Frage (Leipzig, 1932)
  8. McKay, Ruth Capers, George Gissing and His Critic Frank Swinnerton (Philadelphia, 1933)
  9. Gapp, Samuel Vogt, George Gissing, Classicist (Philadelphia, 1936)
  10. Donnelly, Mabel Collins, George Gissing: Grave Comedian (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954)
  11. Korg, Jacob, George Gissing: A Critical Biography (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963)
  12. Coustillas, Pierre (ed.), Collected Articles on George Gissing (London: Frank Cass, 1967)
  13. Coustillas, Pierre and Partridge, Cohn (eds.), George Gissing: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge, 1968)
  14. Coustillas, Pierre, Gissing's Writings on Dickens: A Bio-bibliographical Survey (London: Enitharmon Press, 1969)
  15. Koike, Shigeru, Giichi Kamo, C. C. Kohler, and Pierre Coustillas, eds. Gissing East and West: Four Aspects. London: Enitharmon P, 1970.
  16. Coustillas, Pierre (ed.), George Gissing: Essays & Fiction. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins P, 1970.
  17. Spiers, John and Pierre Coustillas, The Rediscovery of George Gissing (London: National Book League, 1971)
  18. Tindall, Gillian, The Born Exile: George Gissing (London: Temple Smith, 1974)
  19. Wolff, Joseph J., George Gissing: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him (Northern Illinois Univ Pr, 1974)
  20. Poole, Adrian, Gissing in Context (London: Macmillan, 1975)
  21. Goode, John, George Gissing: Ideology and Fiction (London: Vision Press, 1978)
  22. Coustillas, Pierre, ed., London and the Life of Literature in Late Victorian England: THe Diary of George Gissing, Novelist (Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester, 1978)
  23. Collie, Michael, The Alien Art: A Critical Study of George Gissing's Novels (Folkestone: William Dawson, 1979)
  24. Argyle, Gisela, German Elements in the Fiction of George Eliot, Gissing and Meredith (P Lang, 1979)
  25. Michaux, Jean Pierre (ed.), George Gissing: Critical Essays (London: Vision Press, 1981)
  26. Coustillas, Pierre, Gissing and Turgenev (Enitharmon P, 1981)
  27. Halperin, John, Gissing: A Life in Books (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982)
  28. Bridgwater, Patrick, Gissing and Germany (Enitharmon P, 1982)
  29. Selig, Robert, George Gissing (Boston: Twayne, 1983)
  30. Bowlby, Rachel, Just Looking : Consumer Culture in Dreiser, Gissing and Zola (Routledge, 1985)
  31. Grylls, David, The Paradox of Gissing (London: Allen and Unwin, 1986)
  32. Alden, Patricia, Social Mobility in the English Bildungsroman : Gissing, Hardy, Bennett (E Mellen P, 1986)
  33. Collie, Michael, George Gissing: A Bibliographical Study (St Paul's Bibliographies, No 12) (St Pauls Bibliographies Publication, 1986)
  34. Coustillas, Pierre and Bridgwater, Patrick, George Gissing at Work: A Study of His Notebook - "Extracts from My Reading" (ELT Press, 1988)
  35. Sloan, John, George Gissing: The Cultural Challenge (London: St Martins Press, 1989)
  36. Brook, Clifford, George Gissing and Wakefield: A Novelist's Associations with His Home (Gissing Trust, 1991)
  37. Federico, Annette, Masculine Identity in Hardy and Gissing (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1991)
  38. Hodson, Patricia, George Gissing at Lindow Grove School, Alderley Edge, Cheshire (Wilmslow History Society, 1993)
  39. Neale, Gwyn, All the Days Were Glorious: George Gissing in North Wales (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 1994)
  40. Sjoholm, Christina, Vice of Wedlock: Theme of Marriage in George Gissing's Novels (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1994)
  41. Hughes, John, Lines of Flight: Reading Deleuze with Hardy, Gissing, Conrad, Woolf (Sheffield Academic P, 1997)
  42. Connelly, Mark, Orwell and Gissing (Peter Lang, 1997)
  43. Mattheisen, Paul F. & Young, Arthur C, eds. With Gissing in Italy: The Memoirs of Brian Boru Dunne (Ohio University Press, 1999)
  44. Postmus, Bouwe, ed. An Exile's Cunning: Some Private Papers of George Gissing. Wormerveer, Neth.: Stichting Uitgeverji Nourd, 1999.
  45. Keahey, John. A Sweet and Glorious Land, Revisiting the Ionian Sea, Retracing Victorian writer George Gissing�fs Journey Thru Southern Italy in 1897-8 (St. Martin's, 2000)
  46. Postmus, Bouwe, ed. A Garland for Gissing (Rodopi Bv Editions, 2001)
  47. Haydock, James. Portraits in Charcoal: George Gissing's Women (AuthorHouse, 2004)
  48. James, Simon J. Unsettled Accounts: Money and Narrative in the Novels of George Gissing (Anthem, 2004)
  49. Coustillas, Pierre. George Gissing: The Definitive Bibliography (Rivendale Press, 2005)
  50. Ryle, Martin H. and Jenny Bourne Taylor, George Gissing: Voices of The Unclassed (Ashgate, 2005)
  51. DeVine, Christine. Class in Turn-of-the-Century Novels of Gissing, James, Hardy and Wells (Ashgate, 2005)
  52. Rawlinson, Barbara. A Man of Many Parts: Gissing's Short Stories, Essays and Other Works (Rodopi, 2006)
  53. Liggins, Emma. George Gissing, the Working Woman, and Urban Culture (Ashgate, 2006)
  54. Spiers, John, ed. Gissing and the City: Cultural Crisis and the Making of Books in Late Victorian England (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006)
  55. Christine Huguet, ed., Spellbound, George Gissing, Volume 1: The Storyteller (Haren, NL: Equilibris, 2008)


  56. Gissing East and West: Four Aspects (London: Enitharmon Press)
  57. Davis, Oswald Harcourt, George Gissing: A Study in Literary Leanings (R. West)
  58. Plomer, William, Remarks when opening the George Gissing exhibition at the National Book League, London, 23 July 1971 (Folcroft Library Editions)
  59. MacCarthy, Desmond, Reviews of George Gissing (R. West)
  60. Davis, Oswald Harcourt, George Gissing, 1857-1903: an exhibition of books, manuscripts, and letters from the Pforzheimer Collection in the Lilly Library
  61. Argyle, Gisela, German elements in the fiction of George Eliot, Gissing, and Meredith (Lang)



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