George Gissing: Bibliography
- Roberts, Morley, The Private Life of Henry Maitland (London, 1912)
- Swinnerton, Frank, George Gissing, A Critical Study (London, 1912)
- Yates, May, George Gissing und die Soziale Frage (Leipzig, 1932)
- McKay, Ruth Capers, George Gissing, An Appreciation (Manchester, 1922)
- Gissing, Ellen, Some Personal Recollections of George Gissing (Folcroft Library Editions, 1929)
- Rotter, A., Frank Swinnerton und George Gissing, Eine Kritische Studie (Prague, 1930)
- Weber, Anton, George Gissing und die Soziale Frage (Leipzig, 1932)
- McKay, Ruth Capers, George Gissing and His Critic Frank Swinnerton (Philadelphia, 1933)
- Gapp, Samuel Vogt, George Gissing, Classicist (Philadelphia, 1936)
- Donnelly, Mabel Collins, George Gissing: Grave Comedian (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954)
- Korg, Jacob, George Gissing: A Critical Biography (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963)
- Coustillas, Pierre (ed.), Collected Articles on George Gissing (London: Frank Cass, 1967)
- Coustillas, Pierre and Partridge, Cohn (eds.), George Gissing: The Critical Heritage (London: Routledge, 1968)
- Coustillas, Pierre, Gissing's Writings on Dickens: A Bio-bibliographical Survey (London: Enitharmon Press, 1969)
- Koike, Shigeru, Giichi Kamo, C. C. Kohler, and Pierre Coustillas, eds. Gissing East and West: Four Aspects. London: Enitharmon P, 1970.
- Coustillas, Pierre (ed.), George Gissing: Essays & Fiction. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins P, 1970.
- Spiers, John and Pierre Coustillas, The Rediscovery of George Gissing (London: National Book League, 1971)
- Tindall, Gillian, The Born Exile: George Gissing (London: Temple Smith, 1974)
- Wolff, Joseph J., George Gissing: An Annotated Bibliography of Writings About Him (Northern Illinois Univ Pr, 1974)
- Poole, Adrian, Gissing in Context (London: Macmillan, 1975)
- Goode, John, George Gissing: Ideology and Fiction (London: Vision Press, 1978)
- Coustillas, Pierre, ed., London and the Life of Literature in Late Victorian England: THe Diary of George Gissing, Novelist (Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester, 1978)
- Collie, Michael, The Alien Art: A Critical Study of George Gissing's Novels (Folkestone: William Dawson, 1979)
- Argyle, Gisela, German Elements in the Fiction of George Eliot, Gissing and Meredith (P Lang, 1979)
- Michaux, Jean Pierre (ed.), George Gissing: Critical Essays (London: Vision Press, 1981)
- Coustillas, Pierre, Gissing and Turgenev (Enitharmon P, 1981)
- Halperin, John, Gissing: A Life in Books (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982)
- Bridgwater, Patrick, Gissing and Germany (Enitharmon P, 1982)
- Selig, Robert, George Gissing (Boston: Twayne, 1983)
- Bowlby, Rachel, Just Looking : Consumer Culture in Dreiser, Gissing and Zola (Routledge, 1985)
- Grylls, David, The Paradox of Gissing (London: Allen and Unwin, 1986)
- Alden, Patricia, Social Mobility in the English Bildungsroman : Gissing, Hardy, Bennett (E Mellen P, 1986)
- Collie, Michael, George Gissing: A Bibliographical Study (St Paul's Bibliographies, No 12) (St Pauls Bibliographies Publication, 1986)
- Coustillas, Pierre and Bridgwater, Patrick, George Gissing at Work: A Study of His Notebook - "Extracts from My Reading" (ELT Press, 1988)
- Sloan, John, George Gissing: The Cultural Challenge (London: St Martins Press, 1989)
- Brook, Clifford, George Gissing and Wakefield: A Novelist's Associations with His Home (Gissing Trust, 1991)
- Federico, Annette, Masculine Identity in Hardy and Gissing (Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 1991)
- Hodson, Patricia, George Gissing at Lindow Grove School, Alderley Edge, Cheshire (Wilmslow History Society, 1993)
- Neale, Gwyn, All the Days Were Glorious: George Gissing in North Wales (Gwasg Carreg Gwalch, 1994)
- Sjoholm, Christina, Vice of Wedlock: Theme of Marriage in George Gissing's Novels (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1994)
- Hughes, John, Lines of Flight: Reading Deleuze with Hardy, Gissing, Conrad, Woolf (Sheffield Academic P, 1997)
- Connelly, Mark, Orwell and Gissing (Peter Lang, 1997)
- Mattheisen, Paul F. & Young, Arthur C, eds. With Gissing in Italy: The Memoirs of Brian Boru Dunne (Ohio University Press, 1999)
- Postmus, Bouwe, ed. An Exile's Cunning: Some Private Papers of George Gissing. Wormerveer, Neth.: Stichting Uitgeverji Nourd, 1999.
- Keahey, John. A Sweet and Glorious Land, Revisiting the Ionian Sea, Retracing Victorian writer George Gissing�fs Journey Thru Southern Italy in 1897-8 (St. Martin's, 2000)
- Postmus, Bouwe, ed. A Garland for Gissing (Rodopi Bv Editions, 2001)
- Haydock, James. Portraits in Charcoal: George Gissing's Women (AuthorHouse, 2004)
- James, Simon J. Unsettled Accounts: Money and Narrative in the Novels of George Gissing (Anthem, 2004)
- Coustillas, Pierre. George Gissing: The Definitive Bibliography (Rivendale Press, 2005)
- Ryle, Martin H. and Jenny Bourne Taylor, George Gissing: Voices of The Unclassed (Ashgate, 2005)
- DeVine, Christine. Class in Turn-of-the-Century Novels of Gissing, James, Hardy and Wells (Ashgate, 2005)
- Rawlinson, Barbara. A Man of Many Parts: Gissing's Short Stories, Essays and Other Works (Rodopi, 2006)
- Liggins, Emma. George Gissing, the Working Woman, and Urban Culture (Ashgate, 2006)
- Spiers, John, ed. Gissing and the City: Cultural Crisis and the Making of Books in Late Victorian England (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006)
- Christine Huguet, ed., Spellbound, George Gissing, Volume 1: The Storyteller (Haren, NL: Equilibris, 2008)
- Gissing East and West: Four Aspects (London: Enitharmon Press)
- Davis, Oswald Harcourt, George Gissing: A Study in Literary Leanings (R. West)
- Plomer, William, Remarks when opening the George Gissing exhibition at the National Book League, London, 23 July 1971 (Folcroft Library Editions)
- MacCarthy, Desmond, Reviews of George Gissing (R. West)
- Davis, Oswald Harcourt, George Gissing, 1857-1903: an exhibition of books, manuscripts, and letters from the Pforzheimer Collection in the Lilly Library
- Argyle, Gisela, German elements in the fiction of George Eliot, Gissing, and Meredith (Lang)
- Paul Mattiesen, Arthur Young, and Pierre Coustillas (eds.), The Collected Letters of George Gissing (Ohio University Press, 1990-96)
- Vol. 1 (1863-1880)
- Vol. 2 (1881-1885)
- Vol. 3 (1886-1888)
- Vol. 4 (1889-1891)
- Vol. 5 (1892-1895)
- Vol. 6 (1895-1897)
- Vol. 7 (1897-1899)
- Vol. 8 (1900-1902)
- Vol. 9 (1902-1903)
- Letters of George Gissing to Gabrielle Fleury (New York Public Library, 1965)
- Letters of George Gissing to Members of His Family (Haskell House Pub Ltd, 1970)
- Young, Arthur C. (ed.), Letters of George Gissing to Eduard Bertz: 1887-1903 (Greenwood Pub Group, 1980)
- The letters of George Gissing to Edward Clodd (Enitharmon Press)
- Coustillas, Pierre (ed.), Brief interlude: the letters of George Gissing to Edith Sichel (Tragara Press)
- Coustillas, Pierre (ed.), Henry Hick's recollections of George Gissing, together with Gissing's letters to Henry Hick (Enitharmon Press)

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