VOLUME 27 (2013)
- Jim Cheshire and Michael Crick-Smith, "Taste and Morality at Plymouth Grove: Elizabeth Gaskell's Home and its Decoration"
- Ann Brooks, "Understanding Elizabeth Gaskell's Garden and its History"
- Irene Wiltshire, "What the Gaskells Did Next: Life after Mother"
- Rebecca Styler, "Elizabeth Gaskell and the Madonna: Metaphors of the Maternal Divine"
- Steven Mollmann, "Observing Observation: The Ethical Investigator in Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters"
- Kathleen Anderson and Kelsey Satalin, "Confrontation and Social Change in North and South"
VOLUME 26 (2012)
- Perspectives I: Material Culture
- Joan Leach Memorial Interdisciplinary Prize Essay 2012
- Kerri E. Hunt, "'Nouns that were signs of things'�F Object Lessons in Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South"
- Mark Celeste, "'You say you want a Revolution'�F Dialectical Soundscapes in Gaskell's North and South"
- Beatrice Bazell, "The 'Atrocious' Interior: Wallpaper, Machinery and 1850s Aesthetics North and South"
- Maura Dunst, "'Speak on, desolate Mother!'�F Elizabeth Gaskell's Isolated (M)others"
- Perspectives II: Adaptation
- Peter Garratt, "Death and Variations: North and South and the Work of Adaptation"
- Thomas Recchio, "Elizabeth Gaskell as 'A Dramatic Common'�F Stanley Houghton's appropriation of Mary Barton in Hindle Wakes"
- Chris Louttit, "The Pleasures of the Return: Cranford, the Sequel"
VOLUME 25 (2011)
- Andrew Maunder, "Mary Barton Goes to London: Elizabeth Gaskell, Stage Adaptation and Working Class Audiences"
- Barbara Hardy, " Two Women: Some Forms of Feeling in North and South"
- Perspectives: Ruth (1853)
- Marina Cano López, "This is a Feminist Novel: The Paradox of Female Passivity in Ruth"
- Loretta Miles Tollefson, "Controlled Transgression: Ruth's Death and the Unitarian Concept of Sin"
- Jennifer M. Stolpa Flatt, "Parallel Ministries: Ruth and Benson's Pastoral Work"
- Joanne Shattock, " Elizabeth Gaskell and Her Readers: From Howitt's Journal to the Cornhill"
- Anna Koustinoudi, "The Febrile 'I'/Eye: Illness as Narrative Technique in 'Six Weeks at Heppenheim'"
- A. J. Larner, "A Habit of Headaches: The Neurological Case of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Alan Shelston, "From Cranford to the Conspirators of Naples: Gaskell and the Secret Society of the Camorra"
VOLUME 24 (2010)
- Fran Baker, "'Intimate and trusted correspondents: the Gaskells, Greens and Jamisons'"
- Angus Easson, "'We have all of us one human heart': Elizabeth Gaskell and William Wordsworth"
- Emma Karin Brandin, "Domestic Performance and Comedy in Cranford and Wives and Daughters"
- Tomoko Kanda, "Labour Disputes and the City: Manchester and Milton-Northern"
- Malcolm Pittock, "Hood for Boz in 'Our Society at Cranford'"
- Carolyn Lambert, "Cross-dressing and interpretations of gender in Cranford and 'The Grey Woman'"
- Deborah Denenholz Morse, "Haunting memories of the English Civil War in Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Morton Hall' and 'Lois the Witch'"
- Victoria Williams, "Gaskell as Scheherazade: Fairytale themes in Gousin Phillis and North and South"
- Aya Yatsugi, "Gaskell's historical novels: Reactions to the period"
VOLUME 23 (2009)
- Shirley Foster, "Space in Gaskell's landscapes"
- Caroline M. Jackson-Houslton, "Cranford: Gaskell's most radical novel?"
- Graham Handley, "Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot and scenes of clerical life"
- Emily Jane Morris, "'Ready to hear and to help': Female agency and the reclamation of the fallen woman in Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Lizzie Leigh'"
- Alan Shelston, "Elizabeth Gaskell and the Crimean War"
VOLUME 22 (2008)
- Mary jeanette Moran, "'A Word or Two here about Myself': Narrating Subjectivity and Feminist Ethics in Cranford"
- Lindsy Lawrence, "Gender Play 'At our social table': The New Domesticity in the Cornhill and Elizabeth Gaskell's Wives and Daughters"
- John Beer, "Elizabeth Gaskell's Legacy from Romanticism"
- Alan Shelston, "Education in the Life and Work of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Carol A. Bock, "Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Useful�ERelatives: Katharine and Anthony Todd Thomson and the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge"
- Michael F. Dixon, "'A very nice American' - Gaskell's enigmatic Mr Collier"
- 'A poor Man I know': Samuel Bamford and the making of Mary Barton"
- Tatsuhiro Ohno, "Robert Poole, "Statistical Analysis of the Structure of North and South: in the Quest for the Standard Interpretation"
- Rebecca White, "'A joke spoken in a rather sad tone': Cranford, humour, and Heidi Thomas's television adaptation"
VOLUME 21 (2007)
- Nils Clausson, "Romancing Manchester: Class, Gender and the Conflicting Genres of Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South"
- Kamilla Elliott, "The Romance of Politics and the Politics of Romance in Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton"
- Caroline P. Huber, "'Heroic Pioneers': The Ladies of Cranford"
- Lacy L. Lynch and Susan E. Colön, "A Weakness, a Sin, or a Mind Diseased: A New Assessment of Cynthia Kirkpatrick"
- Graham Handley, "'A Dark Night's Work' Reconsidered"
- Rebecca Styler, "'Lois the Witch': A Unitarian Tale"
VOLUME 20 (2006)
- Fran Baker, "Primary sources for Gaskell research (1) Gaskell papers in the John Rylands Library, University of Manchester"
- John Chapple, "Elizabeth Gaskell and Roman Catholicism"
- Linda K. Hughes, "Gaskell the worker"
- Laura Kranzler, "Gothic themes in Elizabeth Gaskell's fiction"
- Kathrin Levitan, "Literature, the city and the census: examining the social body in Victorian Britain"
- Sarina Moore, "Courts obscure: the architectural shaping of identity in 'Libbie Marsh's Three Eras'"
- Alan Shelston , "Opportunity and anxiety: Elizabeth Gaskell and the development of the railway system"
- John Wyatt, "The inoffensive philanthropist: the way of humility in North and South"
VOLUME 19 (2005)
- Gwen Clarke, "A Classical Introduction: introductions from early World's Classics Editions to the works of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Shirley Foster, "Violence and disorder in Elizabeth Gaskell's short stories"
- Barbara Hardy, "Cousin Phillis: the art of the novella"
- Anne Secord, "Elizabeth Gaskell and the artisan naturalists of Manchester"
- Jane Silvey, "It all began with Jane Eyre: the complex transatlantic web of women writers"
- Peter Skrine, "Goethe and Emerson in Elizabeth Gaskell's Manchester"
- Larry Uffelman, "To Cranford via Philadelphia"
VOLUME 18 (2004)
- Christine Alexander, "Elizabeth Gaskell and Victorian Juvenilia"
- Tatsuhiro Ohno, "The structure of Ruth: is the heroine's martyrdom inconsistent with the plot?"
- Marion Shaw, "Sylvia's Lovers, then and now"
- Jennifer Stolpa, "What's in a name? Echoes of biblical women in Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth"
- Benjamine Toussaint-Thiriet, "'The Heart of John Middleton': a pilgrim's progress towards a new, feminized Christianity"
- Dick Watson, "Heroes and heroines and Sylvia's Lovers"
VOLUME 17 (2003)
- Liam Corley, "The imperial addiction of Mary Barton"
- Louise Henson, "History, science and social change: Elizabeth Gaskell's 'evolutionary' narratives"
- Lorna Huett, "Commodity and collectivity: Cranford in the context of Household Words"
- Mitsuharu Matsuoka, "Gaskell's strategies of silence in 'The Half Brothers'"
- Tonya Moutray McArthur, "Unwed orders: religious communities for women in the works of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Alan Shelston, "From Cranford to The Country of the Pointed Firs: Elizabeth Gaskell's American publication and the work of Sarah Orne Jewett"
- Larry K. Uffleman, "From 'Martha Preston' to 'Half a Life-Time Ago': Elizabeth Gaskell rewrites a story"
VOLUME 16 (2002)
- Ian Campbell, "Seen in passing?"
- Mary Debrabant,�@"Birds, bees and Darwinian survival strategies in Wives and Daughters"
- Louise Henson, "The 'Condition-of-England' debate and the 'Natural History of Man': an important scientific context for the social-problem fiction of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Jo Pryke, "The view from America: Annette Hopkins and Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Valerie Sanders, "Harriet Martineau and Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Shu Chuan Yan, "Geography and working-class women in Mary Barton and Sylvia's Lovers"
- Anita C. Wilson, "Elizabeth Gaskell's subversive icon: motherhood and childhood in Ruth"
VOLUME 15 (2001)
- Kay Millard, "The religion of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Tatsuhiro Onho, "Is Mary Barton an industrial novel?"
- Larry K. Uffelman, "From serial to novel: Elizabeth Gaskell assembles Round the Sofa"
- Frances Twinn, "Navigational pitfalls and topographical constraints in Sylvia's Lovers"
- Alan Shelston, "Alligators infesting the stream: Elizabeth Gaskell and the USA"
VOLUME 14 (2000)
- Marie Fitzwilliam, "The needle not the pen: Fabric (auto)biography in Cranford, Ruth, and Wives and Daughters"
- Shirley Foster, "'We sit and read and dream our time away': Elizabeth Gaskell and the Portico Library"
- Linda K Hughes and Michael Lund, "Becoming Mrs Gaskell"
- Mary Kuhlman, "Gaskell Studies and the Internet in 1999"
- Andrew Sanders, "Serialising Gaskell: from Household Words to The Cornhill"
- Joanne Shattock, "Women's Work: Victorian women workers and the press"
- Larry K. Uffelman, "Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South: the novel in progress"
- Patsy Stoneman, "Wives and Daughters on television"
VOLUME 13 (1999)
- Josie Billington, "Faithful realism: Ruskin and Gaskell�h
- Alain Jumeau, "Elizabeth Gaskell on French literary ladies of the seventeenth century: Madame de Sablé and Madame de Sévigné�h
- Mary Kuhlman, "A survey of Gaskell scholarship, or: Things written recently about Gaskell"
- Margaret Lesser, "Madame Mohl and Mrs Gaskell"
- Pam Parker, "'The Power of Giving': Elizabeth Gaskell's Ruth and the politics of benevolence"
- Jo Pryke, "Wales and the Welsh in Gaskell's Fiction: sex, sorrow and sense"
- Terry Wyke, "The culture of self improvement: real people in Mary Barton"
VOLUME 12 (1998)
- Peter Skrine, "Elizabeth Gaskell and her German Stories"
- Peter Stiles, "Calvin's encounter with Cinderella: vital antinomies in Elizabeth Gaskell's 'Curious, If True' (1860)"
- Janice K Kirkland, "'Curious, If True': suggesting more"
- Marie Fitzwilliam, "Mr Harrison's Confessions: a study of the general practitioner's social and professional dis-ease"
- Valerie Smith, "Fact or fiction, the acid test: Gaskell, Mary Barton and the vitriol"
- Suzy Clarkson Holstein, "In harm's way: tolerating intolerance in Elizabeth Gaskell's fiction"
VOLUME 11 (1997)
- Angus Easson, "Getting it right: Elizabeth Gaskell and The Life of Charlotte Brontë"
- Heather Sharps, "Elizabeth Gaskell and Sir James P Kay-Shuttleworth - a literary relationship"
- Dorothy W Collin, "Strategies of retrospection and narrative silence in Cranford and Cousin Phillis"
- Simon Dentith, "Generic diversity in Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton"
- Robin Colby, "Elizabeth Gaskell: a model of motherhood"
- Ruth McDowell Cook, "Women's work as paradigm for autonomy in Gaskell's My Lady Ludlow"
- Mariaconcetta Costantini, "The Sexton's Hero"
- Mitsuharu Matsuoka, "Gaskell studies and the Internet"
- Shirley Foster, "Gaskell in paperback"
VOLUME 10 (1996)
- Francesco Marroni, "The Shadow of Dante: Elizabeth Gaskell and The Divine Comedy"
- Mary H Kuhlman, "Education through experience in North and South"
- C. M. Jackson-Houlston, "Elizabeth Gaskell, Manchester song and its contexts"
- Andrew Sanders, "A crisis of liberalism in North and South"
- Elizabeth Leaver, "What will this world come to? Old ways and education in Elizabeth, Gaskell's My Lady Ludlow"
- Siv Jansson, "Elizabeth Gaskell: writing against the angel in the house"
- Anna Unsworth, "Ruskin and Cousin Phillis"
- Roger S Platizky, "Mary Barton and Frankenstein"
- Yoko Hatano, "Fanny Price and Molly Gibson: bearers of the country-house tradition"
VOLUME 9 (1995)
- Marianne McLeod Gilchrist, "The Shaw family of Staten Island: Elizabeth Gaskell's American friends"
- Mary Waters, "Elizabeth Gaskell, Mary Wollstonecraft and the Conduct Books: Mrs. Gibson as the product of a conventional education in Wives and Daughters"
- William J Hyde, "'Poor Frederick' and 'Poor Peter': Elizabeth Gaskell's fraternal deviants"
- Deborah A Logan, "'An unfit subject for fiction': Elizabeth Gaskell and the duty of silence"
- Marion Shaw, "Elizabeth Gaskell, Tennyson and the fatal return: Sylvia's Lovers and Enoch Arden"
- Wendy Craik, "'Man, vain man' in Susan Ferrier, Margaret Oliphant and Elizabeth Gaskell"
VOLUME 8 (1994)
- Anna Unsworth, "Elizabeth Gaskell and German Romanticism"
- Marie Fitzwilliam, "The politics behind the angel: separate spheres in Elizabeth Gaskell's "Lizzie Leigh"
- Harumi James, "Secrecy in Elizabeth Gaskell's Cousin Phillis"
- J A V Chapple, "William Stevenson and the Edinburgh literary scene"
- Christine Alexander, "Readers and writers: Blackwood's and the Brontë"
- Douglas S Mack, "James Hogg, Elizabeth Gaskell and the tradition of oral storytelling"
- David Finkelstein, "Early nineteenth-century Scottish publishing"
- Rosalind Slater, "The novelist's use of dialect"
- Ian Campbell, "Scottish writers and the Industrial Revolution"
VOLUME 7 (1993)
- Jeanette Eve, "The Floral and Horticultural in Elizabeth Gaskell's Novels"
- Philip Yarrow, "Mrs Gaskell and France"
- Peter Skrine, "Mrs Gaskell and Germany"
- Kristine Swenson, "Protection or Restriction? Women's Labour in Mary Barton"
- Anita C. Wilson, "Mother and Writer: A Study of Elizabeth Gaskell's Diary"
VOLUME 6 (1992)
- Arthur Pollard, "Elizabeth Gaskell's young women"
- Andrew Sanders, "Varieties of Religious Experience in Sylvia's Lovers"
- Michael Wheeler, "Elizabeth Gaskell and Unitarianism"
- K. J. Fielding, "The Sceptical Carlyles and the Unitarian Mrs Gaskell"
- Peter Stiles, "Grace, Redemption and the 'Fallen Woman': Ruth and Tess of the D'Urbervilles"
- J A V Chapple, "Two Unpublished Gaskell Letters from Burrow Hall, Lancashire"
- Eva Ahsberg Borromeo, "Maria Edgeworth, Fredrika Bremer and Elizabeth Gaskell: Sources for Wives and Daughters"
- Janet Allan, "The Scarborough Conference: 1991"
VOLUME 5 (1991)
- Edward Chitham, "Elizabeth Stevenson's Schooldays"
- Brenda Colloms, ""Tottie" Fox, Her Life and Background"
- Barbara Brill and Alan Shelston, "Manchester: 'A Behindhand Place for Books': The Gaskells and the Portico Library"
- Thomas E Recchio, "A Victorian Version of the Fall: Mrs Gaskell's Cousin Phillis and the Domestication of Myth"
- Anna Unsworth, "Some Social Themes in Wives and Daughters: (2) The Social Values of the 1860s and 'Old England' Compared"
- P J Yarrow, "Mrs Gaskell and Newcastle upon Tyne"
- Jeanette Eve, "Elizabeth Stevenson and Harriet Carr: A Note"
- Alison Foster, "A Personal View of the First Joint Brontë/Gaskell Conference"
VOLUME 4 (1990)
- J A V Chapple, "Before 'Crutches and Changed Feelings': Five Early Letters by Elizabeth, Gaskell (neé Stevenson)"
- Jo Pryke, "The Treatment of Political Economy in North and South"
- Anna Unsworth, "Some Social Themes in Wives and Daughters: (1) Education, Science and Heredity"
- Peter Skrine, "Fanny Lewald and Mrs Gaskell"
- Mary Thwaite, "Elizabeth Gaskell and Italy"
- Angus Easson, "The Sentiment of Feelings: Emotions and Objects in Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Margaret Smith, "Mrs Gaskell as a Humourist"
VOLUME 3 (1989)
- Arthur Pollard, "Faith and Family: Fundamental Values in Mary Barton"
- Michael Wheeler, "Two Tales of Manchester Life"
- Edgar Wright, "My Lady Ludlow: Forms of Social Change and Forms of Fiction"
- John Hodgson, "A Gaskell Collection at Canterbury"
- Allan Shelston, "Elizabeth Gaskell's Manchester"
- Wendy Craik, "Lore and Learning in Cousin Phillis"
VOLUME 2 (1988)
- Jane Spencer, "Mary Barton and Thomas Carlyle"
- Wendy Craik, "Lore, Learning and Wisdom: Workers and Education in Mary Barton and North and South"
- Enid Duthie, "Echoes of the French Revolution in the Work of Elizabeth Gaskell"
- Alan Shelston, "The Moorland Cottage: Elizabeth Gaskell and Myles Birket Foster"
- Christine Lingard, "The Gaskell Collection in Manchester Central Library"
- Thomas Recchio, "The Pinkerton and the Jenkyns Sisters: A Literary Source for Cranford"
- Patsy Stoneman, "Elizabeth Gaskell and 'Maternal Thinking'"
VOLUME 1 (1987)
- J A V Chapple, "William Stevenson and Elizabeths Gaskell"
- Thomas Recchio, "Cranford and the 'lawe of kynde'"
- P M Yarrow, "The Chronology of Cranford"
- Barbara Brill, "My year Mr. Norton"
- Francesco Marroni, "Gaskell Studies in Italy"
- Bill Ruddick, "George Du Maurier: Illustrator and Interpreter of Mrs Gaskell"
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