Benjamin Disraeli (1804-81)

The Disraeli Project
(Queen's University at Kingston, Canada)
Disraeli Web Sites
- Apholisms by Author
- Benjamin Disraeli
- Apholisms by Author (UTEXAS)
- Benjamin Disraeli Book Page, The
- Benjamin Disraeli - Bloomfield, P., Disraeli, Vol. 14, Writers and their Work, No. 138 (London: Longmans, 1961)
- Benjamin Disraeli: a Timeline (Marjie Bloy)
- Disraeli, Benjamin (Earl of Beaconsfield)
- Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield
- Disraeli, Benjamin, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield (Kid's Almanac)
- Benjamin Disraeli Quotes
- British Statesman
- Earl Beaconsfield
- Letter from Lady Franklin 30 Jan. 1850, concerning the search for the ships of Sir John Franklin's arctic expedition. They were eventually discovered in 1854 with a note indicating that Sir John Franklin had died in June 1847. Dep. Hughenden 16/1, fol. 19.
- Mrs Disraeli's invitation to attend the Duke of Wellington's funeral 18 Nov. 1852. Dep. Hughenden 16/1, fol. 69.
- News is that
which comes from the North, East, West and South
- Paw Prints Anecdotes: Benjamin Disraeli (Kasha Linka)
- Quotations, Benjamin Disraeli
- Quotez - Disraeli, Benjamin
- Quotes by Benjamin Disraeli
- Right Honourable BENJAMIN DISRAELI, Chancellor of the Exchequer, The
- Skellarlist Benjamin Disraeli

- 1804
- Benjamin Disraeli born on Friday, December 21, to Isaac and Maria D'Israeli.
- 1817
- Baptized into the Church of England, July 31.
- 1821
- Begins three years with a firm of solicitors in London; speculates in stock market.
- 1825
- Makes abortive attempts at launching a journalistic career with The Representative; loses money in mining venture and heavily in debt.
- 1826
- Publication of Vivian Grey; friendship with the Austens, who were instrumental in aiding Disraeli's literary career.
- 1827
- Publication of the sequel to Vivian Grey.
- 1831
- Publication of The Young Duke; Disraeli visits Jerusalem.
- 1832
- He meets Mrs. Wyndham Lewis; publication of Contarini Fleming; twice in this year Disraeli is defeated as an Independent parliamentary candidate from Wycombe.
- 1833
- Publication of Alroy.
- 1835
- Disraeli defeated again at Wycombe; he joins the Conservative Party; at Taunton, Disraeli suffers another defeat, this time as a Tory; publication of The Vindication of the English Constitution.
- 1836
- Publication of the "Letters of 'Runnymede'"and The Spirit of Whiggism.
- 1837
- Publication of Henrietta Temple and Venetia; Disraeli elected with Wyndham Lewis as MP from Maidstone; gives maiden speech in Parliament (December 7); votes for the repeal of the Poor Law.
- 1838
- Wyndham Lewis dies; Disraeli attends Queen Victoria's coronation.
- 1839
- Disraeli gives great speech on Chartism; marries Mrs. Wyndham Lewis.
- 1843
- He leads the "Young England party" in Parliament.
- 1844
- Publication of Coningsby; opposes new Poor Law and supports Factory Reform Laws; delivers the "Young England Manifesto" at Manchester Athenaeum to an enormous audience. ("It was the culminating point in the glory of Young England"-Monypenny.)
- 1845
- Publication of Sybil.
- 1846
- Disraeli attacks the Corn Law; attacks Peel and supports the Whigs.
- 1847
- Publication of Tancred; his mother dies; speaks on Jewish disabilities laws, insisting (as he does in Tancred) that there is an intimate and binding relationship between Judaism and Christianity.
- 1848
- His father dies.
- 1851
- Lord George Bentinck: A Political Biography.
- 1852
- Chancellor of the Exchequer; Ministry defeated.
- 1853
- Receives an honorary degree from Oxford.
- 1858
- Chancellor of the Exchequer once again.
- 1859
- Ministry defeated.
- 1866
- Again Chancellor of the Exchequer.
- 1868
- Becomes Prime Minister; his Ministry defeated; Mrs. Disraeli made a peeress, Viscountess Beaconsfield.
- 1870
- Publication of Lothair; collected edition of his works, with General Preface, begins to appear in November.
- 1872
- Lady Beaconsfield dies.
- 1874
- Prime Minister (1874-1880); offers a baronetcy to Tennyson and the Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath to Carlyle. Both refuse.
- 1875
- Majority of shares in the Suez Canal Company purchased.
- 1876
- Gives last speech in the House of Commons; accepts peerage and is the first Earl of Beaconfield.
- 1880
- Conservatives are defeated and Disraeli gives up the Prime Ministership; publication of Endymion.
- 1881
- Dies on Tuesday, April 19.
(This extract is taken from Richard A. Levine, Benjamin Disraeli [New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1968])
Last updated: 9 April 2004.
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