Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies

An Age of Equipoise?
Reassessing mid-Victorian Britain

15th-17th July 1996, Trinity and All Saints, Leeds

Offers are invited, from any discipline, of papers which will contribute to a re-evaluation of mid-Victorian Britain.

Possible themes (by no means comprehensive) are: *the character of 'high Victorianism'
*Darwin and the crisis of faith
*empire without imperialism?
*the literature of conflict and the literature of reconciliation *the Great Exhibition, images and myths of national greatness *a mid-Victorian boom, or the triumph of 'commercial profligacy'? *from -Past and Present- to -Culture and Anarchy-? *the golden age of voluntarism, or the rise of disciplined society?

Speakers will include:
John Bowen, Martin A Danahay, Matthew Cragoe, Margot Finn, Rowena Fowler, Robbie Gray, Malcolm Hardman, Anthony Howe, David Nash, Alan Parkinson, John Powell, Lyn Pykett, Roland Quinault, Judith Rowbotham, Joanne Shattock, Julia Swindells, Miles Taylor, and Julian Wolfreys.

Please send proposals (c300 words/hardcopy if possible) by 30th January 1996 to:

Martin Hewitt
Leeds Centre for Victorian Studies
School of Humanities and Cultural Studies Trinity and All Saints
Brownberrie Lane
Leeds, LS18 5HD
Tel: 0113-2837231
Fax: 1003-2837200
e-mail: [email protected]

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