Spring Conference 96

Nagoya University, Japan

The Japan Branch of the Dickens Fellowship will hold a conference at Symposion Hall, Toyoda Auditorium, Nagoya University, Japan on 1 June 1996.

Click here for the Japanese version.

For further details on the route to the Hall refer to the map drawn by Mr. Hideto Kasuya, Dept. Applied Physics.

Papers to be read:

  1. Yasuki Kihara (Fukui University),
    "The Prison in David Copperfield".
    --Analyzes aspects of the prison-like spaces which, it seems, structure the narrative of David Copperfield. Disciplinary power, in the Foucaultian sense, permeates the narrative world, and the characters live in a disciplinary society composed of many prison-like spaces.
  2. Toru Sasaki (Kyoto University),
    "Dickens in Confusion?: Discrepancies in the Denouement of Martin Chuzzlewit"
    --Points out some inconsistencies in the chronology of the action in Chapters 49-52, which will corroborate the assumption that Dickens was then not working with careful planning.


Contact Details:

Mitsuharu Matsuoka,
E-mail: [email protected]
Snail-mail: Faculty of Language and Culture, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-01, Japan
Voice: (+81) 052-789-4864
FAX: (+81) 052-789-4873

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