Last updated: 20 March 1998.

Dickens Quarterly


Forty Dickensians attending the 1970 MLA Convention in New York voted on 29 December 1970 to found THE DICKENS SOCIETY. The Society was later incorporated as a non-profit organization in Illinois in February 1971. Dickens Quarterly, the Society's journal, began as Dickens Studies Newsletter in 1970; a New Series started in March 1984, when the title changed to Dickens Quarterly. The Society exists "to conduct, encourage, foster and further support research, publication, instruction and general interest in the life, times, and literature of Charles Dickens."


President: Harry Stone (California State University, Northridge)

Vice President: Duane DeVries (Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY)

Secretary / Treasurer: Robert Heaman (Wilkes University)

Program Chair for 1998: Robert Heaman (Wilkes University)

The Robert B. Partlow, Jr. Prize. The Dickens Society awards each year a prize of $100.00 for the best essay submitted to Dickens Quarterly by a graduate student enrolled in a degree program. The essay will appear in the journal designated as the Partlow Prize essay of the year.

Membership in the Dickens Society. Annual subscriptions to the journal automatically provide membership in The Dickens Society and entitle members to participate in the Society's affairs at the Annual General Business Meeting held every December at the Modern Language Association Convention. Please note: attendance at any of the Society's paper sessions is open to all and not restricted to members. Contributing members of the Society pay an additional $30 to the annual subscription; Life Membership is also available for a single payment of $400. Since the Society is a legally approved tax-exempt organization, donors may deduct contributions, gifts, legacies, and transfers from their tax returns.

Dickens Quarterly

A scholarly journal devoted to the study of the life, times, & works of Charles Dickens

Dickens Quarterly (ISSN 0742-5473) -- formerly Dickens Studies Newsletter -- is published in March, June, September and December at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts.

Subscriptions: subscriptions, payable in U. S. dollars, are for individuals and institutions, &20 (U. S.) and $25 (Foreign). Please send checks or money orders to:

Ms Arlene Bubrow, Department of English
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903

Back issues of the journal are available from the address above at $7 a copy.

Contributors: Please submit two typescript copies, together with an envelope and return postage to:

Professor David Paroissien
General Editor, Dickens Quarterly
Department of English, Barlett Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA, 01003

Dickens Quarterly publishes shorter articles (up to twenty-five typed pages), notes and reviews. Contributors should follow Walter S. Achtert and Joseph Gibaldi, The MLA Style Manual 81985). All accepted contributions must be presented on disks (PC only).

Dickens Quarterly is indexed by the following publications: American Humanities Index, Current Contents, Literary Criticism Registrar, MLA Research Data Bank, and Year's Work in English Studies. The Institute for Scientific Information, which publishes Current Contents, also includes author abstracts in its on-line files, Scisearch and Current Contents Search.

Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of a specific client, is granted by the Dickens Society, provided that the base fee of US $5.00 per copy, plus US $0.05 per page is paid directly to copyright Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970 USA. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. The fee code for all users of the Transactional Reporting Service is 0742-5473/93 $5.00 + $0.05.

Second class postage paid at Amherst, MA, Postmaster: please notify the General Editor (see above) of changes of address.


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Approved-By:  Patrick McCarthy 
Date:         Mon, 14 Sep 1998 13:09:18 -0700
Reply-To: Charles Dickens Forum 
Sender: Charles Dickens Forum 
From: Patrick McCarthy 
Subject:      Dickens Symposium at Wilkes-Barre
To: [email protected]
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
X-UIDL: 23c82d3aecc7fee4bbdd21e1032c4ffc

The following progam is forwarded at the request of Bob Heaman:

Third Annual Dickens Symposium
October 2-4, 1998
Wilkes University
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

Friday, October 2

Registration  1:00-2:50

Session 1     3:00  Narrative Strategy in Bleak House.
        Moderator: Anthony Grasso, King's College.

        "'The Remembrance of Things Past': Esther Summerson, Narrative, and
the                     Uncanny." Robyn L. Schiffman,  University of

        "The Narrator of Bleak House." Bert Hornback, Bellarmine College.

        "'Fog Everywhere': Narrative Strategy and Inadequate Knowledge in
Bleak   House." Stephanie Pintoff, New York University.

        "'All the Fine Gentlemen . . . Down to Zoodle': Alphabets and
Alphabetical Order      in Bleak House." Joel J. Brattin, Worcester
Polytechnic Institute.

Reception: 5:00-6:30  Sordoni Gallery. American Paintings from the Tweed
        Museum of Art: 1890-1920  in the Main Gallery. John Wilkes:
Eighteenth      Century- Graphics from the McClintock Collection  in the
Print Gallery.

Saturday, October 3

Continental Breakfast   8:45-9:25

Session 2   9:30-11:30 Dickens and Society Reconsidered.
        Moderator: Robert DeGraaff, St. Lawrence University.

        "Family Patronage and the Brother-Sister Bond in Dickens' Nicholas
        Lynn Parker, Framingham State College.

        "Alcohol, Comedy, and Ghosts in Dickens' Early Short Fiction."
                         David J. Greenman, Canisius College.

        "The Politics of Metaphor: History as Family Romance in Barnaby Rudge."
        Karen A. Droisen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

        "Seeking 'A hero of my own life': David Copperfield and the
Absentee Hero."
        Rob Jacklosky, College of Mount Saint Vincent.
Lunch 11:30-12:45

Session 3  1:00-2:45 Dickens and Women Revisited.
        Moderator: Ellen Casey, University of Scranton.

        "Listening to Dickens' Women Characters." Margaret Darby, Colgate

        "Rewriting the Feminine in Late Dickens." David Kramer, Fiorella H.
        Community College.

        "Invisible Work and Visible Leisure in David Copperfield." Kirsten
L. Parkinson,
        University of Southern California.

        "Dickens' Trinitarian Theology: Mary, Nelly, and Lizzie." Robert R.
Garnett,        Gettysburg College.

Session 4   3:00-5:00 Directions in Research and Scholarship in Dickens.
        Moderator: David Paroissien, University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

        "Household Words: Contributors to Dickens' Views on Childhood." Kit
Polga,  University of Kent.

        "Dickens, Friendship, and Early Victorian Authorship." Bradley
Deane,          Northwestern University.

        "At Work on Dombey and Son: Confessions of a Bibliographer." Leon
Litvack,        The Queen's University of Belfast.

        "Dickens' Literary Theories; or, The Snakes in Ireland." Edgar
Rosenberg, Cornell      University.

Dickens Society Business Meeting   5:05-5:20

Reception    6:00

Dickens Dinner   7:00

Sunday, October 4

Continental Breakfast   9:00

Session 5   10:00-12:00 "Dickens, Performance, and Illustration."
        Moderator: Jane Vogel, Ithaca College.

        "Rehearsing Nicholas Nickleby: Dickens, Macready, and the Pantomime
of Life."       Gregg A. Hecimovich, Eastern Illinois University.

        "Magwitch and Pip at the Millennium: Textual Adaptations and
Cinematic       Transformations of Great Expectations." Mark Cronin, Saint
Anselm College.

        "Dickens and Futurism: The 1921 Barradas's Coloured Illustrations
for a   Spanish Edition of Hard Times." Beatriz Vegh, National University
of Uruguay.

        "'Three Couples': Under the Management of Mr. Charles Dickens."
Dave Draper,            Palomar College.

Contact person is Bob Heaman  [email protected]


Subject: Re: Dickens Society Symposium (fwd)
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 1997 12:17:02 -0700
From: Patrick McCarthy 
Reply-To: Charles Dickens Forum 
To: [email protected]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 1997 09:13:17 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Bert G. Hornback" 
To: Patrick McCarthy 
Subject: Re: Dickens Society Symposium

                           1997 DICKENS SYMPOSIUM
                Louisville, Kentucky--26,27,28 September 1997


Friday, 26 September

        10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.   Arrivals, Check-In
        2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.    Registration
        3:00 p.m.              Welcome
        3:15-5:00 p.m.         Session I

                1.  "Dickens and Fulfillment."  Robert Heaman, Wilkes
                2.  "Meditating on the Low:  A Darwinian Reading of
                        GREAT EXPECTATIONS."  Goldie Morgentaler,
                        University of Lethbridge
                3.  "Forwards, Backwards, or in Circles:  Whither Philip
                        Pirrip."  David Paroissien, University of

        5:15 p.m.-5:45 p.m.    "School Days in Dickens," dramatic
                        presentation by the Lord Chamberlain's Players
        6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.    Reception

Saturday, 27 September

        9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m.    Continental Breakfast
        10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.  Session II

                4.  "Dickens in China."  Ling Zhang, Chinese Academy of
                        Sciences, and Yang Zhang, Shangxi University

        11:10 a.m.-12:20 a.m.  Session III

                5.  "Charles Dickens as Inheritor of the Tradition of the
                        Grand Tour."  Marcia E. Allentuck, CUNY
                6.  "Peering Behind the Veil:  America as Paradox in
                        AMERICAN NOTES."  Morris Grubbs, University of

        12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m.   Buffet Lunch
        2:00 p.m.-3:45 p.m.    Session IV

                7.  "Detecting Esther Summerson's Secrets."  Eleanor
                        Sallotto, Bryn Mawr College
                8.  "A Brief Brief in Defense of Mr. Tulkinghorn."
                        Stanley Tick, San Francisco State University
                9.  "HARD TIMES:  Ear, Eye, Tongue, Imagination." Sena
                        Naslund, University of Louisville

        4:00 p.m.-5:10 p.m.    Session V

                10. "Sexing Miss Wade."  Janet Retseck, Claremont Graduate
                11. "Gothic Artistry in 'A Good Old Inn at Lancaster.'"
                        David Greenman, Canisius College

        5:15 p.m.-5:30 p.m.    Dickens Society Business Meeting
        6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.    Reception
        7:30 p.m.              Dickens Dinner

Sunday, 28 September

        9:00 a.m.-9:45 a.m.    Continental Breakfast
        10:00 a.m.-11:10 a.m.  Session VI

                12.  "'I will not have my words misconstrued':  the Text
                        of OUR MUTUAL FRIEND."  Joel Brattin, Worcester
                        Polytechnic Institute
                13.  "The Sentimental Journey of Little Nell."  Karen
                        Drosien, University of Virginia

        11:30 a.m.             "Life is Made of Ever So Many. . ."

                        For further information and registration
                        contact Bert Hornback, Department of English,
                        Bellarmine College, Louisville, Kentucky 40205.
                        Telephone (502)452-8053/2287.  Fax (502)452-6971.
                        E-mail "[email protected]".