Victorian Literature and Culture

Victorian Literature and Culture is about to celebrate a special birthday. In 1997 we will have been published for twenty-five years. The editors are seeking especially distinguished contributions to the quarter-century volume 25 planned for 1997.
We seek direct submissions on all subjects in Victorian literature and culture. We look for excellent studies of individual authors or groups of authors, scholarly investigations of historical and textual issues, new approaches to literature by innovative critical or theoretical methods, interdisciplinary studies of the relations between social and cultural phenomena and the production and content of literature and the arts. (We do not look for papers specifically on the political economic history of the period, which are already well circulated in Victorian Studies.)
For our Works in Progress section we also welcome submissions of chapters from longer works that will not be published in book form for some time. For our Special Effects section we welcome proposals for publication of unknown Victorian texts or illustrations.
Please send your articles directly to either editor at his or her address below. (Two copies please, MLA style -- except chapters for Work in Progress, which may follow your book style.)

John Maynard
Department of English
New York University
19 University Place, Room 235
New York, NY 10003
212 998 8835; fax: 212 995 4019

Adrienne Munich
Department of English
SUNY/Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11794
516 632 9176; fax: 516 632 7302

Abigail Burnham Bloom, Managing Editor

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