The 1996 Dickens Society Program at MLA will feature the recent discoveries and insights of editors, annotators, and bibliographers working with Dickens's various texts. It will provide a forum as well for exploring changing techniques and assumptions in the field of textual studies. We hope to hear from those who are currently engaged in a variety of scholarly tasks--both traditional and high-tech or experimental.
Some contributors may wish to focus quite narrowly on the ramifications of a specific scholarly finding. Others may offer an overview of a larger editorial project. Still others may choose to explore some of the theoretical issues underlying the practice of textual scholarship at the present time.
Among the questions we hope the session(s) will address are:
What new understandings of Dickens's texts have recently been brought to light by the work of editors, annotators, bibliographers, and commentators?
How will changes in the contemporary roles of publisher, reader, teacher, and student likely change the character of Dickensian textual scholarship?
What changes can we anticipate from shifts in cultural assumptions regarding access, use, and ownership of literary resources?
What are the challenges, rewards, and pitfalls of guiding a major editorial project in the present academic and economic climate?
What has been the impact of new technologies on Dickens studies, and where is technology likely to lead us?
What is lost and what is gained when we move from a Dickens text as traditionally conceived to hypertext or other forms of electronic publication and distribution?
For the twenty-first century, which texts ought we to focus on--and in which ways?
Send completed papers or two-page proposals to:
Nancy Metz
Department of English
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24060-0112
[email protected]
Deadline for submission:
Nancy Metz
Department of English
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24060-0112
(540) 231-8468